I wonder how close Gary’s present house is to the one they did not buy and the hog rendering plant? Maybe Leopold could pay it a surreptitious visit from time to time if he were running out of fresh neighbors….
Believe it or not, but a sugar beet processing plant is worse than any hog farm, feed lot, rendering plant, waste disposal facility or even a dog food plant. Actually, worse than all put together.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
Leo hates the whole area, or he ate the whole area?
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
I wonder how close Gary’s present house is to the one they did not buy and the hog rendering plant? Maybe Leopold could pay it a surreptitious visit from time to time if he were running out of fresh neighbors….
rmacprivate almost 12 years ago
I can’t believe that the rendering plant can smell worse than a hog farm.
WillardMBaker almost 12 years ago
Where’s the big sewer pipe dumping sludge into the river? Let’s have some realism here!
James Hopkins almost 12 years ago
I went to a high school where there was a paper mill next door. I always hated going outside for phys ed.
Ppyfss almost 12 years ago
Believe it or not, but a sugar beet processing plant is worse than any hog farm, feed lot, rendering plant, waste disposal facility or even a dog food plant. Actually, worse than all put together.
pam Miner almost 12 years ago
There used to be a stock yard at the north end of town. stenchy!
LazyLady909 almost 12 years ago
How about a paper mill? We used to drive by one on the way to the coast. GAG!!!
pcolli almost 12 years ago
A tanning works?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
Location, location, location