Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for March 24, 2013
Goat: What are you doing, Pig? Pig: Reading this text from my neighbor Bob. He's the one Rat's always fighting with. Goat: What'd he say? Pig: That he wants to be friends. Goat: Oh, yeah? What's he propose? Pig: He's asking if we think we could handle getting some coffee together. Goat: What a nice gesture. You should tell him you'll treat him. Pig: Oh, that would be so special. I'll do it! I'! Oops. Goat: What happened? Pig: Autocorrect. "I'll threaten you." Goat: That's a slightly different message. Pig: Oh, look. He has a special message back.
jnik23260 almost 12 years ago
Must be Apple.
jnik23260 almost 12 years ago
Obviously not Android.
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
It’s all part of Otto Korrect’s insidious plan to destroy the world!
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
When did Rat become the creator of Autocorrect?
margueritem almost 12 years ago
Stinkin’ autocorrect.
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
faulty flagging for the pigster!
legaleagle48 almost 12 years ago
You couldn’t have just called him instead of texting him, Pig?
The#1BoiseStateFan almost 12 years ago
Special message= american style
corzak almost 12 years ago
ill three tin yew too pig
alviebird almost 12 years ago
Everyone’s always slamming autocorrect. Pardon my ignorance, but can’t it be turned off?
blunebottle almost 12 years ago
Drove me nuts until I learned how to turn it off…….some inventions are just too over-thought!
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
I agree with legaleagle48. Why not use the phone to phone Neighbor Bob, Pig? And turn off “Autocorrect,” which has become a tragicomedy trope already!
PUNishment almost 12 years ago
Maybe he has LGD’s phone.
finale almost 12 years ago
Sad when you do autocorrect more than actual typing. Eyesight, dexterity and the inability to remember/use shortcuts; ahhh……age.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
corzak almost 12 years ago
In return, neighbor Bob signed Pig up for a guided tour of the Hormel plant.
Carl Rennhack Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I seriously doubt that special message was, “Have a nice day”!
dreadlokz almost 12 years ago
fixer1967 almost 12 years ago
I wonder how many fights and misunderstandings autocorrect has caused.
Thehag almost 12 years ago
Kids and women??? It is the men at my place of work who text the most.
legaleagle48 almost 12 years ago
I never text unless I absolutely have to — I HATE doing it as much as you do!
knight1192a almost 12 years ago
Rat’s had the autocorrect reprogrammed on poor Pig
tazz555 almost 12 years ago
I believe thats how the Haffields and Mccoys feud started
unca jim almost 12 years ago
Some of my best writings have squiggly lines under most of the words on my pages !!Autocorrects/Spellchecks have no imagination…
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Favorite auto correct: ‘My pen is leaking." That is the ’before’. You may imagine the ‘after’.
Number Three almost 12 years ago
LOL xxx
A_NY_Outlaw almost 12 years ago
Hey Neighbor Bob- this is a family strip!
Burnout70s almost 12 years ago
many wars have been started by autocorrect. Steve is laughing at us all.
HankTheSock almost 12 years ago
@jnik23260 It has to be…
Buggerlugs almost 12 years ago
Mexed missages!
alviebird almost 12 years ago
I dislike using my phone to text, but it’s different on the computer. I use Google Voice to text from my computer, through my phone. Texting from a full sized qwerty keyboard is easy, and it doesn’t even use my airtime.
TWODAN almost 12 years ago
Poor naive Pig. But that’s just part of his charm. Hey Steph, I want to know what has happened to Larry and the Crocs. I sure hope the politicaly correct Gestapo hasn’t forced you to stop drawing them.
PearlsBe4SwineFreak13 over 11 years ago
what did liars do before autocorrect
Darth Revan II about 4 years ago
Abaham Linkon ✔️ almost 4 years ago
I bet he replied I’ll kiss(kill) you
Remystified about 3 years ago
my pfp, out of context
leopardglily over 1 year ago
My autocorrect enjoys listening to my favorite “mice”, and has invited my friends to “Rice Hummingbird park.”