Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 22, 2013
Delta: "So I don't date. At least I'm doing something meaningful with my time. What are YOU doing?" Bernice: "I'm waiting for everyone to grow up" Delta: "Well, that's gonna take a few years, Bernice. Got plans in the meantime?" Bernice: "Yes! Lots of plans! I'm busy with many things. Very meaningful things!" Delta: "Like making Easter baskets for senior citizens?" Bernice: "I don't KNOW, Delta! I have to check my schedule"
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
I believe being considerate of the elderly and trying to bring a little cheer into their lives during the Easter Season as doing something meaningful!
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
So, Bernice, how is helping senior citizens not a waiting-to-grow-up activity?
live2read almost 12 years ago
Bernice: “I’m waiting for everyone to grow up.”
Including yourself, Bernice? If that’s the case, she’ll be waiting a loooooooong time.
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Mandatory assignment, no. If she could get a teacher to award extra credit to anyone who wanted to volunteer for the project, that’d be cool. Then she’d get only the kids who wanted to do the work. It’d also be necessary to get the materials donated or purchased by other parties. Like I said in an earlier post in this arc, this project could run into money. Homemade cookies or other treats would be nice. The kids could do this, or (much more likely) dragoon their moms into baking the goodies. They could color Easter eggs, too. Maybe local merchants could donate coupons. There’s a lot that could be done…but whatever they do, they have to get on the stick! Time’s a-wastin’! :-)
barbarasbrute almost 12 years ago
I’m sure most senior citizens would much rather have something a little more practical than an Easter Basket.
The Old Wolf almost 12 years ago
Delta is a vigilantivist.
kenhense almost 12 years ago
Aha! Delta’s turn to get snarky. This is a fair fight – Good theater.
ShagsCA almost 12 years ago
krelboyne almost 12 years ago
Delta’s already won. Bernice will be making baskets.
doverdan almost 12 years ago
Has everyone here forgotten how Delta made a fool of herself over a temporary teacher? A substitute..Worse than Luann with Aaron..And let’s not forget that before Zane there was that druggy boyfriend that Bernice fell for. And that she scared Zane off by trying to get him to marry her. .
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Delta was weak in the early rounds, but, this may just have been the knockout blow….. 10, 9, …. Get up Bernice!!…..7, 6…
reyigo almost 12 years ago
Dad’s 94 and getting younger everyday.
doverdan almost 12 years ago
Bernice was also nearly psychotic with jealousy about Zane even talking to Crystal about her family member confined to a wheelchair..And she tried (with success) to keep her brother Ben from ever dating Luann alone. .She wanted Ben just for herself. .Bernice even made loud noises to keep Ben and Luann from talking..And almost every comment she has made since then drips with sarcasm.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Someone compared Delta to TJ yesterday; and until now, I didn’t “see” it, but, Delta also enjoys manipulating her friends (Even though it’s for a good cause, but, still….)
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
The question of the day- is Quill here to stay?^^Only if Karen takes over completely…frankly, I will never like Quill and I will keep hoping the crocs or the dingoes get him!
doverdan almost 12 years ago
Luann has her flaws, but compared to her girlfriends (and Tiff) she is not so deranged. Her mom has obvious problems. .Among the boys we have sterling examples like Elwood, Gunther, TJ, Knute, Brad, Jonah..Oops!! Now I’m sounding as sarcastic as Bernice.
Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
Delta doesn’t have a boyfriend.Bernice doesn’t have a boyfriend.Tiffany doesn’t have a boyfriend.Crystal sorta has a boyfriend but HE is a Doorknob.And Rosa? HER Reluctant “Boyfriend” is in LOVE with Somebody else.
The only one that comes closest to having a REAL boyfriend (in THIS High School setting) is Luann and HER so called B/F is 8,000 miles away.
Sad, Sad.
blunebottle almost 12 years ago
This is turning into a real cat fight, isn’t it?
bigbob1946 almost 12 years ago
I’m a senior who has been in a nursing home since the end of October with NWB (non weight being ) which means as a result of two serious operations on my feet. Except for physical therapy II am bedbound. Last Christmas we had a church group sing Christmas carols and a boy scout troop deliver presents (a box of tissues with lotion). Both were appreciated by myself and the other patients.
bigbob1946 almost 12 years ago
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
I think Delta’s dress is so “Scooby-doo”
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
The old folks in homes I know go quite long without seeing young people. They love simple things (no complicated baskets necessary). they’d talk about the visit for some time.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
This disagreement is heating up into a real feud. Delta is firing back at Bernice’s verbal assault, and Bernice doesn’t take it very well. This could become a jumping-off point for an extended schism in the Luann troupe….
SheriCrest almost 12 years ago
If Delta has a bucket list SHE wants to compete, that’s fine, but she has no right to demand others join in if they don’t wish to.
Luann really does need to find other friends. All she has are snarky children who constantly argue and belittle each other to get their own way.
sleeepy2 almost 12 years ago
What exactly are they fighting about here? Who’s more mature and responsible?
ridenslide65 almost 12 years ago
And the point of this is???
duffer37 almost 12 years ago
Wow Delta, does it get cold up there on your high horse?
Endunamoo almost 12 years ago
@ Donny Wallace. I remember the Young Ones, There were actually 2 or 3 seasons of that, it’s all on You Tube. Favorite Episode: Bambi!! (motorhead ep)
Delta seems to have a problem. Volunteering to help the elderly IS a good thing. Volunteerism is great in general, I do it from time to time. However, Delta seems on the radical end of it. When someone gets that deep into the long grass of a subject it’s usually because they are hiding from or running from something that they cannot or do not want to handle. IMHO, Bernice has a point, delta is out of balance, shes not really living.
Peabody429 almost 12 years ago
Why don’t these two share a passionate kiss and get it over with?
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
Well, since Delta has had cancer, and it’s always possible – even probable – that it will return, I can understand why she’s enthusiastic in leaving the world a better place than she found it..Now I wonder about Condoleezza Rice. It’s reported that in the 1970s, she dated and was briefly engaged to American football player Rick Upchurch. She left him because, according to her biographer Marcus Mabry, “She knew the relationship wasn’t going to work." Is this the path Evans wants for Delta?
yangeldf almost 12 years ago
there’s nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, the fact that she seems to always have to be involved in some kind of volunteer work in order to feel validated suggests some self esteem issues, not all that different from Tiff’s constant preening.
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
Forced or compulsive charity is only busy work. Doing it from the heart allows one to truly grow. Delta is no better, thinking she can save herself and others with external shows of performing good acts.
Deborah N Lurie almost 12 years ago
RE: “I’m sure most senior citizens would much rather have something a little more practical than an Easter Basket.”
Many senior citizens in nursing home get few, if any, visitors. Are you saying that my son’s volunteer piano playing in senior citizen homes is not practical. Residents always ask him for more songs. What is more practical than providing entertainment to those who may sorely need and want to be a part of life. Easter baskets may spark wonderful memories. They may elicit a smile as an elderly person realizes spring is here. They may help someone celebrate the holiday.
I’m sure most senior citizens enjoy the fact that someone was thinking about them. That is practical.
Tim Pickard Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Bernice needs to tell Delta to leave her know how her project went when she sees her after the break. She’s under no obligation to surrender to Delta’s arm twisting.
Mickeylacey almost 12 years ago
Easter baskets for elderly….what would you put in them??? I know I would enjoy bath and hair products!
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
Tiff and Delta are initiators, if for different reasons. They offer opportunities to the rest, followers, who often appreciate gentle coercion to do what needs to be done in this world. At the least, they stir the pot. Nobody ever has to say yes to the initiators of the world, whether to visit old folks, mow grass at church, or feed the poor. Tiff or Delta may not be in perfect moral alignment, might be idealistic, might be misguided, but they will have more chances to grow and win out – they are initiators willing to take a chance. Bernice and Luann could learn something!
Cofyjunky almost 12 years ago
When your friends starting putting your teeth on edge, it’s time to find new friends.
Guilty Bystander almost 12 years ago
The moral smugness is a little annoying, but I give credit to Delta for at least thinking of someone other than herself. Bernice only thinks about Bernice and has been nothing but negative ever since I started reading this strip daily. Her appearances are akin to nails on a chalkboard because I KNOW it’s going to be unpleasant…it’s just a matter of how much and for how long.Of all the characters in the Luanniverse, Bernice is the one I would least mind being written out. There has been nothing positive about her continued existence.
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Bernice comes off as damn pathetic here. Embarrassing and disappointing. She hasn’t been shown in ages to have any outside interests or activities at all. She used to work in the bookstore—no idea if she still does. She trained Royce, the service dog, and did an excellent job—my friend’s training her puppy now, and it’s practically a full-time job for her! Thinking of it now, Bernice mourned over losing Royce when she had to give him back to the service organization. Then she painfully warmed up to Zane, showed psychotic jealousy over him, then chased him away by proposing to him. And, as many have observed, she hasn’t been the same since. She was heartbroken over Derek, too, remember? Then Ben comes and goes, and between other family members and Luann, she had to fight for time with him. I see these (minus Derek) as very real, serious situations, and I honestly felt Bern’s pain with each of them. I never feel anything at all for Lu with all her boy-crazy crap because nothing real ever happens with any of it. She makes stuff up, chases guys until they show interest, then pushes them away, and so on. This long distance stuff is a total yawn. I don’t like what Bern’s turned into, but for a while in the strip’s life, she was one of the more real characters with real things happening to her. Wish we could get back to that.
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Delta’s an organizer, and organizers must organize. I don’t like her pressuring other people into helping with her plans, but they don’t have to cave. If they didn’t, Delta would have to find other people who she could either pressure into helping, or who honestly wanted to help.
pseudomao almost 12 years ago
I’m surprised this subject really touches a nerve with these two – and right off the bat. Why are they both so defensive? Have they struggled over the same boyfriend in the past? I didn’t think so….. Any ideas? (especially from you, Lev – you have this strip memorized and have definite feelings on its direction.)
PMark almost 12 years ago
Score one for Delta.
So far, honors are about even.
coldsooner almost 12 years ago
Delta = SNOB. Glad she believes she’s better than everybody because her way is the only way.
doverdan almost 12 years ago
Remember too how possessive Delta became of Raul, who was only sorry about her cancer and tried to cheer her up.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
why exactly? because you think he is ‘gay’? or is that someone else?^^Donny thinks he’s gay, not me…. I gave my reasons for hating Quill 3 weeks ago, if you want to know, check the archives… and check a day or two ago, when I explained further
pseudomao almost 12 years ago
Bernice and Delta have never been interested in the same guy. There are no real problems between them. This little spat shown this week is not that big a deal.
Maybe they are both testy, because neither one currently has, or have had a boyfriend for a long time now. Maybe that also explains their annoyance with Luann and her Quill talk. Perhaps Mr. Evans is about to segue into that very arc for these two. :)
Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Delta has won! HOORAY!!! In your face, Bernice!