You do realize he is sitting there smiling figuring out how to kill him. Imagine you doing that to someone or someone has been doing it to you. You can never tell what someone is thinking about you. Folks I work with have learned if I begin smiling while dealing with a suspect then I am just about to arrest him/her or worse depending. I cant help it I just begin to smile when I do things like that. Well it is my job so I guess it is job satisfaction? (Or deliciously evil legally)
Justin, I adore your work. If you ever find yourself in Pittsburgh, you would be a most welcome guest in my home; and we could ride my bedroom swing together.
jazzmoose almost 12 years ago
I saw someone get fired for this.
justin Premium Member almost 12 years ago
And here’s the bonus panel!
EarlOfCork almost 12 years ago
OK, this is already one of my must-read strips.
De_Faulto almost 12 years ago
The bonus panel makes it even funnier!
Tdog123 almost 12 years ago
Enjoying it alot…
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
That is sooooo funny. “Shouda stabbed him”The bonus just sets it off.You are definitely funny Mr. Boyd.
sunrae22 almost 12 years ago
Ditto! Lovin’ the bonus panel. It feels just like we’re getting the discount
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
You do realize he is sitting there smiling figuring out how to kill him. Imagine you doing that to someone or someone has been doing it to you. You can never tell what someone is thinking about you. Folks I work with have learned if I begin smiling while dealing with a suspect then I am just about to arrest him/her or worse depending. I cant help it I just begin to smile when I do things like that. Well it is my job so I guess it is job satisfaction? (Or deliciously evil legally)
Mukesh7 almost 12 years ago
maybeinthenextworld almost 12 years ago
Justin, I adore your work. If you ever find yourself in Pittsburgh, you would be a most welcome guest in my home; and we could ride my bedroom swing together.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
Isn’t there another comic that looks like this?
crazycoolkid13 almost 12 years ago
I love this comic!
pokermon about 8 years ago
The bous panel makes it even funnier
pokermon about 8 years ago
Stab him
Masked Pup over 4 years ago
Da yellow guy is violent