That’s…actually not as bad as I was expecting. Kinda nice, really. Maybe it would be different in color, but like this I can’t find fault with her finery.
That is either finery, Phoebe trying to break in to comic books, Elton john or I accidentally clicked on Heart of the City. All she needs is sparklers to really pull it off. I don’t know whats cooler the sun glasses, the flapper beads or the paper crown with her name on it. also “yes you must” is a great line.
luducks almost 12 years ago
Oh god, I must see cosplay of this! I MUST
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
interesting use of duct tape, Phoebe
luducks almost 12 years ago
,..ujean, what we really needs is that center panel to be a full color poster we can buy and put on a wall. :3
luducks almost 12 years ago
Q4horse almost 12 years ago
She is wearing an actual dress. I think that’s a first. She will have to ride side saddle now.
rpmurray almost 12 years ago
She really is channeling Dakota now.
snarkm almost 12 years ago
That’s…actually not as bad as I was expecting. Kinda nice, really. Maybe it would be different in color, but like this I can’t find fault with her finery.
kaykeyser almost 12 years ago
That is either finery, Phoebe trying to break in to comic books, Elton john or I accidentally clicked on Heart of the City. All she needs is sparklers to really pull it off. I don’t know whats cooler the sun glasses, the flapper beads or the paper crown with her name on it. also “yes you must” is a great line.
Neo Stryder almost 12 years ago
I think Phoebe misunderstook she was going to a party, not a carnival.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Love the shades.Very Larson.
tsandl almost 12 years ago
So this comic isn’t for crazy people? Dang, guess I shouldn’t have been reading it then.
sjsczurek almost 12 years ago
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Phoebe looks great! The only thing missing now is makeup.
Ermine Notyours almost 12 years ago
How can Marigold (be)hold anyone without arms?
Terminusvitae almost 12 years ago
Gee, for the first time, I actually feel sorry for Marigold.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
If Marigold could wear a T-shirt, this might be the T-shirt she would wear;I’m with Phoebe
John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The goddess in all her splendor!
MavinMaverick almost 12 years ago
I’ve only known her as long as Heavenly Nostrals, and even I know it’s a requirement to behold her. LOL
I agree though…color for at least the central panel and availablity in poster size. You could make a killing with that, Dana!
Mataata almost 12 years ago
That’s actually a lot better than I imagined it would be. I like it!
reynard61 almost 12 years ago
All shall behold Phoebe and…um…well…I’m not sure if “despair” is the right word, but…maybe a facehoof is in order? shrugs
Desertsinger1972 almost 12 years ago
The glasses are a bit much.
Masterius almost 12 years ago
I think I prefer Phoebe’s idea of finery compared to what Dakota’s would likely be.
trevorpmp over 11 years ago
I keep thinking this strip has gotten about as cool as it can get… then the coolness high end gets completely blown out! :-)
This real needs color !
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 7 months ago
Marigold: That outfit is absolutely HIDEOUS!