Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 21, 2008
November 20, 2008
November 22, 2008
Alice: I've learned how to wink! Watch - Beni: People have been known to lose an eye when a wink goes seriously wrong. Dill: Maybe we should step a ways.
Learning to wink is hard a lot like learning to blow bubbles with bubble gim. I lost more gum during that time, but was so proud when I blew my first bubble.
margueritem about 16 years ago
She’s looking like a scary jack o’ lantern.
R.Khalife about 16 years ago
aww she cant wink :( its a hard process its ok ull get it soon
Karl Hiller about 16 years ago
She’ll never become Vice President at that rate.
calvinandquestionmark about 16 years ago
Winking is hard!
lazygrazer about 16 years ago
Believe it or not I can wink both eyes at the same time.
margueritem about 16 years ago
grazer says:
Believe it or not I can wink both eyes at the same time.
But that means you’ve graduated to a ‘blink’.
Sugie63 about 16 years ago
Learning to wink is hard a lot like learning to blow bubbles with bubble gim. I lost more gum during that time, but was so proud when I blew my first bubble.
NSfan1238 over 13 years ago
I’ve always been able to wink. whats so hard about it?
gocomics about 13 years ago
iheartcomix123 about 9 years ago
I can wink all three of my eyes at once. It’s called a “trink”. :)
Omniman over 3 years ago
I learned, (eventually), during the process of figuring out how to raise one eyebrow like my dad.