Ralph: The secret is how you hold your hand. Observe... Ffrrpp! Frrrp! Frrpp!
Children: Sweet! Cool! Thanks for the lesson, dad!
Ralph: No problem, kids! No one will ever be able to say I didn't teach my kids everything I know!
Only my X did things this gross that the kids quit appreciating by the time they finished 4th grade. He thought he was relating to children. We all know things like that are just childish.
WoodEye over 11 years ago
Show them the trick with the lighter and …. oh never mind.
Gator007 over 11 years ago
Now Mom’s gonna have to undo Dad’s lesson.
Marko56 over 11 years ago
…and it took him all of 5 minutes.
thewizofaz over 11 years ago
Don’t forget the pull my finger trick
bobdingus over 11 years ago
I’m sure their school teachers will appreciate his lesson, too.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Only my X did things this gross that the kids quit appreciating by the time they finished 4th grade. He thought he was relating to children. We all know things like that are just childish.
rgcviper over 11 years ago
Well, THAT explains a lot.