Overboard by Chip Dunham for June 07, 2013
he drops the match...the charcoal flames briefly, then sputters out again... Ernie: ...he is 'oh for five this afternoon. Mouse: I'll tell you ernie... I just don't think he's the answer at firestarter. CC: and I don't think Im liking this new 'play by play'idea. Louie: well, if your going to play in the big leagues, you're gonna have to expect some scrutiny.
WoodEye over 11 years ago
If it’s in your contract you have to play along!
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Henry can’t take the heat. But let’s give him one more chance before we send in Nate.
Good Morning, Crew!
J Short over 11 years ago
I used to soak 3-4 briquets in gasoline. Place them under the pile, throw in a match, and get the heck out of the way; that sucker always lit. I use propane now.
SaraRundle over 11 years ago
go to Home Depot. get a charcoal starter thingy – you put newspaper in the bottom, charcoal on top. Light it and have gas free cooking.
instigator20 over 11 years ago
Good Morning Crew,Henry, Henry, Henry, Barcardi 151 will get both you and the grill……now wait for it……….. LITHave a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
Totalloser Premium Member over 11 years ago
that is why you use a chimney to light your charcaol
harrynose over 11 years ago
Ernie?For all you vets out there, you are able to get a discount at Lowes, Aco, Home Depot, etc……just get a picture ID card from the VA. And, on Veteran’s Day, Applebees, and many others give vets a free meal, some places a Boy Scout honor guard. Lest we forget.
Fogger_man over 11 years ago
@harrynoseThat is why I have done a lot of business with Lowes/Home Depot for years! Disabled vets appreciate it.Old Richard Prior bit: Now that’s a fire! Just roll Charlie around on the ground. He’ll be OK!
Allan CB Premium Member over 11 years ago
I think we should call Crankshaft in to start the fire. On July 4th, the firedepartment parks outside his door cuz they know they’ll be needed...Morning Crew.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
I think taking the easy way out’s for losers. Besides, nothing beats that charcoal taste.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good morning Crew!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
I love a charcoal fire, but when dad got the gas barbeque, after my dad died, I became the family outdoor chef. I learned from my mistakes. Never peer closely into the barbeque to see why the sparker is not igniting the gas.Thank God, (literally) that I moved quickly to avoid losing face (literally).
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Something like that, Shika.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
I just came across a delightful little Friday strip at Sherpa, called Sleepytown Beagles! VERY CUTE, I added it to my queue! I went all the way back to the beginning in 2011.
rgcviper over 11 years ago
“Take me out to the hot grill …Take me out to the steaks …”
Good Evening, Crew.