Agnes by Tony Cochran for June 06, 2013

  1. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 11 years ago

    This so reminds me of our middle daughter. Eldest took to water – and diving – in nothing flat, but it took Middle Kiddle two summers to final dive off the board, on the very last day of the season. Agnes will get there.

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    rolleg  over 11 years ago

    Admitting to fear of being in closed-in spaces was the second mistake, Agnes. And I’m afraid that Trout won’t forget that.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Once you have a made a decision Agnes there is no going back!

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    Cuddleman  over 11 years ago

    If that were me I would be afraid of those feet breaking on impact.

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    starlilies  over 11 years ago

    Did that with my daughter. It actually worked – when she came out the water, she went right up the diving board and jumped off again.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 11 years ago

    I figured out quickly the way to avoid being tickled was to not respond.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    NEVER EVER push anybody off a diving board!

    Even the suggestion makes me sick to my stomach.

    I’m terrified of heights… it makes no sense, it’s irrational, blah blah blah.

    I KNOW that…. but nothing I’ve tried to overcome it has ever worked.

    It took me years to finally climb to the top of a diving board ladder, and stand there, shaking and sweating, attempting to beat my phobia.

    I think I was 13.

    I started to get very nauseous and dizzy, and wanted to back down the ladder…. as I had done in all previous attempts…’but there was a line of people climbing up, and the one right behind me pushed me off…

    Whereupon, I’m told, I threw up and fainted, fell in, and hit my arm and head on the bottom of the pool …I was pulled out by a lifeguard, and woke up in the commotion…

    I was bruised, but luckily not broken….with a big lump on my forehead…. in those days, nobody thought to check for a concussion….or say anything to the person who pushed me.

    I survived… and I “seemed to be OK”, they said…

    but my acrophobia worsened considerably.

    And I guess the bump on the head may explain a few things…. :)

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Thanks David…Actually I never thought she pushed me for her own amusement….more like exasperation.

    “Quit shilly-shallying, you big baby, and jump, so I can have a turn.”

    She probably thought I could “get over it” if I just tried.

    and Hunter… yeah….as I said… it probably explains a lot…LOL…. screwy perspective, I guess, due to loosened, bent screws.

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