Fred Basset by Alex Graham for July 16, 2013

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    juicebruce  over 11 years ago

    Why are we doing this again ?

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    alondra  over 11 years ago

    Why do they keep engaging these bully dogs? Just stay away from them!

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    Strider Keninginne Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Remember, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog, lads.

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    linda trigg  over 11 years ago

    Just walk away, that makes you bigger & better than them Fred,

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    Chickweed Fan  over 11 years ago

    Why are all these dogs being allowed to run loose all over the neighborhood? Someone might get hurt.

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    tigerchik32  over 11 years ago

    You serious? Those look like tough dogs who can scrap. All Fred’s got are a couple terriers,a poodle, and what looks like a sheepdog! They’re toast!

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