Monty by Jim Meddick for August 20, 2013
You don't look so good... I couldn't sleep... You are sleep tap dancing last night... Whoa! I just remembered! I dreamt I was ten years old again, and I was performing a tap dance routine for my 5th grade talent show! Mercifully, at approximately 2:45 a.m., you stopped dancing... Curtain call. Then a minute or two later, you started up again. I had no choice... Aunt Rosie was leading a call of encore...
hometownk Premium Member over 11 years ago
I agree with yesterday’s comment about EB not needing sleep the same way we do.
tattooedcyberidiot over 11 years ago
Actually Aunt Rosie was yelling out ‘Unco!’
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
He got in hot water with the teacher….
The rest of the audience was yelling “Turn off the tap! Turn off the tap!”
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Such excellent recall of such vivid dreams, Monty! But none of it excuses your sleep-tap dancing! Maybe you need to be shackled to the bed when it’s time to go to sleep….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Sisyphos…. some guys pay extra for that… ;)
Commentator over 11 years ago
I’m skeptical about anyone wanting an encore.
rockngolfer over 11 years ago
The only time I was ever in the hospital, I was 6 years old and they were trying to find out why I sleepwalked.I did it several times, but the time I was wandering outside near the main road when my bedroom was upstairs was what sent me to Bethesda.
Mayor Snorkum over 11 years ago
@tattooedcyberidiot: By “unco” do you mean “uncle,” a quaint way of pleading for torture to cease, or is it a hip abbreviation of “uncool?” I kind of like the latter.