I feel the arguments as to whether or not it is a poem are moot at best. Even for Wiley it is a horrible poem and not in the least humorous which I thought was the point of a comic strip.
Not so sure it is supposed to be funny as it is to comment on something such as workplace romance. It seems to be saying to let some things remain a fantasy and enjoy them, rather than to pursue the fantasy and be disappointed or heartbroken. (but that’s just me)
and the poem is about outlook on lifebe unhappy with what is and dwell on thator consider what might have been and enjoy the thought.I’m not sure I agree with all of the thought but the concept that outlook is up to us is dead on the mark.-somewhat like the one who bemoaned lack of shoes until he noticed the one without feet
Bob. over 11 years ago
It does
bob_shaffer over 11 years ago
Me thinks it does as well…
MickMaus over 11 years ago
I feel the arguments as to whether or not it is a poem are moot at best. Even for Wiley it is a horrible poem and not in the least humorous which I thought was the point of a comic strip.
Jeff0811 over 11 years ago
Not so sure it is supposed to be funny as it is to comment on something such as workplace romance. It seems to be saying to let some things remain a fantasy and enjoy them, rather than to pursue the fantasy and be disappointed or heartbroken. (but that’s just me)
wpotvin Premium Member over 11 years ago
There is usually a message or point when Wiley goes poetic.I just don’t get it.
sbchamp over 11 years ago
“Morons. I’ve got morons on my team,” -P. Garris
jhampa over 11 years ago
@Jeff0811 I agree with you. Sounds like a disillusionment with a romance. Maybe the illusion is more fun but reality is more tangible.
Henry Robertson over 11 years ago
Sounds like someone’s sending a personal message to someone else. This, too, shall pass.
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Beautiful! And true.
jtviper7 over 11 years ago
Would go better on February 14th…
milania over 11 years ago
Your babbling makes no sense.
MaNoah over 11 years ago
i don’t know. seems this strip has really gotten sucky in the last several years. kinda like a regurgitated dennis the menace.
ClarkSavageJr over 11 years ago
@jeff0811 – I can think of a couple of those in my life. I thought of them when I read the poem. I think you did as well. “. . . It might have been”
firedome over 11 years ago
wiley’s latest poem is very familiar ground for me…stated another way: when you all in love with a friend you can’t go back to being friends again…
royeggshop over 11 years ago
Wiley is wily.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
and the poem is about outlook on lifebe unhappy with what is and dwell on thator consider what might have been and enjoy the thought.I’m not sure I agree with all of the thought but the concept that outlook is up to us is dead on the mark.-somewhat like the one who bemoaned lack of shoes until he noticed the one without feet
trebmal over 11 years ago
For crying out load people. I ain’t gots no book learning. So I like it.