Adam: Katy tried to glitter the dog today. Katy: Who do you think hid the glitter? Adam: Well, she put glue all over him before she realized it was missing. Katy: So you gave him a bath? Adam: I knew I forgot something. Katy: There's the remote!
Nachikethass over 11 years ago
Gumbo is gummed up!
snarkm over 11 years ago
Uhm, how about telling her instead that putting glue on the dog is cruel to him and could give him a rash or other skin problems and that she absolutely shouldn’t do it?
Lyons Group, Inc. over 11 years ago
Wasn’t Gumbo a girl dog when they bought her a few months ago?
CIOSS over 11 years ago
We had a pretty yellow kitten move in with us when I was a kid and we named it Blondie. After a few days Dad picked up Blondie and loudly proclaimed “This cat isn’t Blondie. It’s Dagwood!”
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
Poor, doggy!
Stephen Gilberg over 11 years ago
And she’s still smiling?
sesack4th over 11 years ago
doggie has been known to munch on glittery stuff so it could be sparkly.
Destiny23 over 11 years ago
Better take him to the vet, he needs to have those balls removed…
LOWRIDER84 over 11 years ago
Adam is about useless.