I love Smarties. They are sour, which means they are quite acidic. That is very bad for teeth, especially for those of us who have trouble stopping eating them. It is best to eat/drink something neutral and/or wait for a few minutes to brush your teeth (otherwise you will strip off enamel by brushing the acid-softened teeth).
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
I e-mailed this one to my dentist.
blunebottle over 11 years ago
Sin carries its own consequences………..RUN TOOTH!!!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
I thought they were Smarties. They sell rolls of Neccos that are all chocolate now.
orinoco womble over 11 years ago
He thought she would be Sweet but she was just a Tart. (If they don’t sell those anymore, this will fall flat).
Coyoty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Looks like he got a bacteria from her.
joe piglet Premium Member over 11 years ago
FYI, what the U.S. calls Smarties, we call them Rockets in Canada. I never liked the bigger ones, myself.
Plods with ...™ over 11 years ago
Aw, what a sweet tooth.
Darryl Heine over 11 years ago
Candy gives you cavities…
Pirate Mike creator over 11 years ago
amazing. I envy your idea machine.
James Hopkins over 11 years ago
They need some dental counseling.
hoagieman12 over 11 years ago
They have some work to do on their relationship.
chromosome Premium Member over 11 years ago
I love Smarties. They are sour, which means they are quite acidic. That is very bad for teeth, especially for those of us who have trouble stopping eating them. It is best to eat/drink something neutral and/or wait for a few minutes to brush your teeth (otherwise you will strip off enamel by brushing the acid-softened teeth).
dagan over 11 years ago
would have been funnier if he was arrested and given a cavity search
tegm over 11 years ago
why is temptation always depicted as being female… it’s so one-sided :/
OceanAllen over 4 years ago
sweet hearts = sweet tarts