It’s a good thing that Trout’s not Asian – her earwax might be too dry to roll into a proper ball. (Geneticists have known for about a century that Asian earwax tends to be drier than the earwax of non-Asians. They’ve recently been able to determine the genetic codes that cause that phenomenon, but still don’t know why that trait developed.)
What if Agnes discovers the truth is that all is illusion, that there is no truth? Which would mean her discovery would be an illusion as well, and that truth actually DOES exists.Or might exist.But the existence might just be an illusion.This is infinitely recursive, you know.
fishbulb239 over 11 years ago
It’s a good thing that Trout’s not Asian – her earwax might be too dry to roll into a proper ball. (Geneticists have known for about a century that Asian earwax tends to be drier than the earwax of non-Asians. They’ve recently been able to determine the genetic codes that cause that phenomenon, but still don’t know why that trait developed.)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
What if Agnes discovers the truth is that all is illusion, that there is no truth? Which would mean her discovery would be an illusion as well, and that truth actually DOES exists.Or might exist.But the existence might just be an illusion.This is infinitely recursive, you know.