Funny, but as you can see I already did this one a long while ago and it is a greeting card as well….
Cat and ApeThe joke is NOT running into the pole! The joke is using the pun HEX (instead of text) and drive, and they have NOT been texting for decades.Please understand what the joke is before you make a comment.
said the “cat and ape” who hides behind some strange icon.I’ll say to you the same thing I say to everyone here about the importance of Googling their ideas. It’s a no brainer.Have a nice day
NoSleepTil_BKLYN about 11 years ago
Witches be LOCO!!
DanReynolds about 11 years ago
Funny, but as you can see I already did this one a long while ago and it is a greeting card as well….
xpurplezebra about 11 years ago
Last hexed message – “I’ll be there early”
DanReynolds about 11 years ago
Cat and ApeThe joke is NOT running into the pole! The joke is using the pun HEX (instead of text) and drive, and they have NOT been texting for decades.Please understand what the joke is before you make a comment.
DanReynolds about 11 years ago
said the “cat and ape” who hides behind some strange icon.I’ll say to you the same thing I say to everyone here about the importance of Googling their ideas. It’s a no brainer.Have a nice day
DanReynolds about 11 years ago