Off the Mark by Mark Parisi for November 22, 2013

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 11 years ago

    Ew, what a low blow!

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  2. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  about 11 years ago

    And it is no myth, sufficient chocolate can kill a dog. It would take a fair amount, but look it up yourself.

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  3. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  about 11 years ago

    What a bitch.

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  4. My eye
    vldazzle  about 11 years ago

    There are too many hazards around for everyone. I’m glad to have studied nutrition for decades; it helps when I have to keep tweeking things for optimum health. The trick is to keep foods tasty and interesting while avoiding all the nasty stuff. I’ll be having more fish when I finish 3 more months as veg. but it may involve finding online sources for the best and healthiest oysters and salmon.

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  5. Opy
    xpurplezebra  about 11 years ago

    Chocolate Lab to the rescue!

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  6. C9969abe b10d 49de b382 ab1511eff385
    amethyst52 Premium Member about 11 years ago

    If your dog eat’s a little milk chocolate it’s okay. It’s the dark chocolate and baking chocolate that’s bad for them. Also grapes, raisins, onions, Tylenol and Ibuprofen!! Be careful!

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