Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for December 03, 2013

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 11 years ago

    If it takes a long time to go up Mt. Everest, I wonder how long it took Monsieur Siffredi to go down it.

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    Aussie Down Under  about 11 years ago

    Lucky for William Forsyth that ASPCA wasn’t founded until 1866.

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    corpcasselbury  about 11 years ago

    Yeah, really. But at least neither of them did win.

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 11 years ago

    In 1938, Hitler was named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year”.

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    jgarrott  about 11 years ago

    Just what I thought!

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    natureboyfig4 Premium Member about 11 years ago

    And Obama was given one. I see a pattern here.

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    jack fairbanks  about 11 years ago

    only fitting considering mr nobel’s most famous invention

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    cdnalor  about 11 years ago

    Obama received the Nobel for not being Republican.

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    Donaartgetsinger  about 11 years ago

    natureboyfig4 I though I was the only one that saw that !

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    Dkram  about 11 years ago

    WWIII has been going now for at least 12 yrs may be longer.We call it the War on Terror..\\//_

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    Carl Rennhack Premium Member about 11 years ago

    @Big Bri—and Stalin was “Man of the Year” in 1939!

    Perhaps the nominations were some people’s idea of a very sick joke?

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    VEJETE  about 11 years ago

    Well, did not Obama actually WIN the Nobel peace prize??? It’s actually all a joke..

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    goweeder  about 11 years ago

    My, aren’t we sweet today…

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    goweeder  about 11 years ago

    “………..weakest leader in the world. His weakness is the reason for many of the increased tensions in the world.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Far as I’m concerned, intelligence – not weakness – means maybe avoiding World War III for a few years. Notice I said ‘avoiding’ not ‘preventing.’It’s a matter of when, not if.

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    Tha_Hype  about 11 years ago

    Only headstrong, obstinate, uncompromising to the point of madness people believe that a willingness to compromise to a point for the sake of peace, prosperity and equality is a weakness.

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    artegal  about 11 years ago

    I lost all respect for the Nobel Committee when they gave their prize to Yaser Arafat just because he had the common decency to stop killing Jews. Oh, and Al Gore won for PowerPoint presentation.

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    tuslog64  about 11 years ago

    What was he trying to prove by sending animals over the falls?An interesting footnote to history:Laws regarding cruelty to animals were on the books beforethose regarding cruelty to children!

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    tuslog64  about 11 years ago

    and the first court case involving cruelty to children,the children had to be classified as animals as laws regarding cruelty to children were not yet on the books!(Oh, well, some children do act like animals!)

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    Lamberger  about 11 years ago

    While not a fan of Time Magazine, I remember them saying that “Man Of The Year” is selected by his impact in the news, and not because he is an credit to humanity.

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    Marvin3  about 11 years ago

    AHA! The Nobel prized is rigged. Who would have ever guessed?

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    tigerchik32  about 11 years ago

    Really, stupid? How about Jimmy Carter? Do you hate that he got one??

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    tigerchik32  about 11 years ago

    How dare you even consider putting the Prez in the same category with those tyrants!

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    tigerchik32  about 11 years ago

    If that’s honest, I’m the Queen of Sheba

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    tigerchik32  about 11 years ago

    That’s the hope that lets me sleep at night

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I have heard this too, that if he had died in ‘36 or ’37, he would be remembered in a completely different light. I can’t verify it, but I heard that in the mid ’1930s, a high school in New Jersey was named after Hitler. Of course they renamed it. (If that story is true to begin with.)

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