Citizens United was the right decision. Money is speech. At least it levels the playing field. The answer is for common citizens to pool their wealth. If you and a few hundred of your neighbors put that $5 you spend at Starbucks every day into a 501c(4) or PAC you’ll be heard.
Class warfare notwithstanding, the middle class collectively hold more wealth than all the other classes, mostly out of sheer volume. As soon as appointed commissions start controlling elections, the politicians control their own destinies. At least with a monetary system they need to be accountable to someone.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Isn’t this an unfortunate truth?
KPOM almost 11 years ago
Nice sweater! Green goes with just about anything.
KPOM almost 11 years ago
Citizens United was the right decision. Money is speech. At least it levels the playing field. The answer is for common citizens to pool their wealth. If you and a few hundred of your neighbors put that $5 you spend at Starbucks every day into a 501c(4) or PAC you’ll be heard.
Class warfare notwithstanding, the middle class collectively hold more wealth than all the other classes, mostly out of sheer volume. As soon as appointed commissions start controlling elections, the politicians control their own destinies. At least with a monetary system they need to be accountable to someone.