Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for December 10, 2013
Phoebe: Some say, will I be too big to ride you? Marigold: Perhaps, but not soon. If that happend, you must promise to grow so big, that I can ride you for a change. Phoebe: I'd have to grow to be about 22 feet tall. Marigold: Then you had best eat your vegetables.
kaykeyser about 11 years ago
That would be fun. I say some one should cast a spell. Grow Phoebe or Shrink Marigold. Don’t know whats more fun a 22 foot giant girl being ridden by a unicorn getting even or a unicorn so small you can hold her in your hand and dress her in doll cloths.
OmegaDragotroid about 11 years ago
I was wondering when the riding role reversal would show up. :) It would still be hilarious to see Marigold riding Phoebe.
luducks about 11 years ago
…come to think of it, I wonder if Marigold /could/ levitate herself…
HopeFox about 11 years ago
Aww. That’s actually a little bit sad. But they can still be friends!
Monster Hesh about 11 years ago
The specter of Growing Up rears its warty, balding head, and Marigold skillfully steps on it.
snarkm about 11 years ago
Isn’t Marigold pretty much the size of a regular horse?
Q4horse about 11 years ago
Phoebe will just have to make friends with a “Real” horse.(snarkm) Marigold is the size of a small pony with a much lighter build and longer legs.
TidensBarn about 11 years ago
I don’t think humans make very good mounts no matter what size they are.
rpmurray about 11 years ago
This would be a perfect time to pull out the old “both get knocked on the head by falling coconuts and awaken to find their bodies swapped” trope.
Neo Stryder about 11 years ago
Eat your vegetables so you be tall and strong enought to carry a unicorn.
Stellagal about 11 years ago
I printed this strip out so I could hang it on the fridge. Anything to inspire my daughter to eat her veggies.
Dampwaffle about 11 years ago
Do vegetables help you grow? I always thought you needed protein and carbohydrates to grow. Roughage just helps you keep regular and keep scurvy at bay…
Hag5000 about 11 years ago
Marigold riding Phoebe is something I’d like to see.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago
Good luck Phoebe.
Weapon Brown about 11 years ago
It’s odd that she knew precisely how tall she had to be… But I suppose best friends know that sort of stuff about each other.
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
That’s true! Fully grown, Phoebe will be just as tall as Marigold, unless Marigold does a little growing herself.