Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for December 24, 2013

  1. Onion news1186.article
    Randy B Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    A lab I once worked in had an “award” that got passed around. It was a wood chisel on a wall plaque, given to the person who had most recently injured themselves. In case of a tie, the accident involving greater stupidity won the “award”.

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    cdward  almost 11 years ago

    I HATE clamshell seal packaging.

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    Matthew Davis  almost 11 years ago

    My answer to clamshell packaging is tin snips. Overkill? Perhaps. But they work.

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    yousir  almost 11 years ago

    packing peanut allergy

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  5. Tartan colorado
    oranaiche  almost 11 years ago

    Supposedly, a can opener works on clamshell packaging. I’ve never personally tried it.

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