Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 31, 2013
Zonker: This is not good. How did we end up on Amazon? Zipper: Looks like third-party vendors... Silverpeak, Leaf Aspen, Stash, Greenwerkz-- they're all using ZZ bud! Zonker: Those are local shops! And they don't even have product-- just samples! Zipper: Whoa... one sample's already up on eBay! Zonker: Dear God, not a bidding war... Zipper: "The first bud designed specifically for gay use."
BE THIS GUY about 11 years ago
Can I have a heterosexual scotch?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 11 years ago
Without restrictions on supply unless demand jumps, price will fall toward the natural limit comparable to that of hay, forcing criminals to seek profits in other fields
rmbdot about 11 years ago
@ leftwingpatriot from Sunday:
Thanks for the link. Can’t believe I forgot “J’accuse!”
Erikfw about 11 years ago
Hey Garry, Your distant relative said it well, too. Our former Prime Minister, Pierre Elliot..Chimo Erik
rpmurray about 11 years ago
In twenty years from now they’ll have all the marijuana growers up before congress explaining how weed doesn’t cause any number of health problems and then the states will get a multi-billion dollar settlement that will go to everything other than health care.
Astolat about 11 years ago
If it weren’t for the fact that they are drawn a few weeks in advance, you would think GT had read the comments from yesterday and answered them in this strip…
Coyoty Premium Member about 11 years ago
It’s called Queed.
beprepn about 11 years ago
At a 25% tax rate, will Colorado “earn” a billion in 2014 from mj sales?
Q4horse about 11 years ago
Zonker had better start sweet talking his plants.@rpmurray Not to worry, all the health effects of smoking dope are good.
Doughfoot about 11 years ago
Every problem has a solution. And every solution creates a new problem. That’s the way it always works. A good solution creates a smaller problem than the old one, that’s about the best you can do. Unfortunately, when that good solution has been in place long enough, people forget about the problem it solved, and only see the problem it caused, and think we’d be better off without it.
SwimsWithSharks about 11 years ago
Zonker’s going to need to put his label on other farmers’ produce. ConAgra will buy him out in a week. Zipper will start an endowment at Walden College and they’ll name the new professional college football stadium after him.
sixam about 11 years ago
North Korea appears to be the only country where marijuana is “legal.”
sixam about 11 years ago
Marijuana will become officially completely legal in Uruguay in April 2014, the only country where it will have such a status. Start panning your Uruguay vacation now!
Potrzebie about 11 years ago
ZZ BUD? Whom here see’s a “cease & desist” suit from ZZ TOP? Or alternatively, an endorsement!
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Yes, the last thing you want is a bidding war…
Eggman61 about 11 years ago
Remember those schoolhouse pushers with vodka and cigarettes? No? Because they don’t exist. When I was underage it was easier to get pot and acid than it was to get booze.
MJ laws are not enforced in many countries, and many places have decriminalized possession. Check Wiki “legalization of cannabis by country.” Countries with more lenient laws do not have higher youth usage rates—both logic and experience indicate the opposite.
The issue with legalization is the likelihood of increased usage by adults. One specific problem is that there is not a good roadside test to prove a person is DUI of MJ.
kaffekup about 11 years ago
My wife is a D&A counselor and you’d be amazed how many cars are searched because the officer says “I smell marijuana.”And how often he finds it.And how often the driver says “It’s not mine, one of my friends must have left it.”And I always wonder why I don’t have friends that accidentally leave pot or cocaine in my car.
ossiningaling about 11 years ago
I think this may spark a budding war.
Carol69 about 11 years ago
dukedoug said, about 8 hours ago@Gweedo (Bring back Dry) MurrayAs said somewhere here before … Democracy only works until the people realize they can vote themselves benefits.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<And we are now there and on a downhill slide.
Melekalikimaka about 11 years ago
People knew that going in on the amendment that they would later vote on taxes. The taxation is set at the maximum allowed by the amendment. If a medical MJ patient pays $100 for a half oz then a recreational buyer will pay about $130 with taxes for top shelf cannabis, better than the black market.
kaffekup about 11 years ago
‘Our leadership already votes itself many benefits that the majority of us can never have.’.And when the elite realized they could buy the legislature and be given a license to steal us blind, that was the true downfall of the Republic.
Thriller87 about 11 years ago
Denver is ready to go. Cops can’t do security details there nor are they suppose to harass anyone using it. But waiting to see how this all plays out over the next few months.
Melekalikimaka about 11 years ago
Apparently regulation of alcohol and tobacco have reduced access to kids, shop keepers have to ask for ID. Cannabis is legal in Uruguay this April. States where medical cannabis has been okay’d, teanage use went stagnate or down. Shop keepers will be checking ID’s and the penalty for contributing to the delinquency of a minor has the same ramifications for alcohol, cigarettes and now, cannabis. People won’t risk jail so that their teen neighbor can have cannabis. Only drug dealers don’t check ID. Colorado eliminates the cannabis dealer.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
-Our leadership already votes itself many benefits that the majority of us can never have-You are 100% correct. People who have served only one term in Congress, former VPs and Presidents and long term members of Congress all enjoy ‘Cadillac’ health care benefits that we pay for and will never see, especially any of us who will soon be eligible for Medicare. (According to the Actuary for Health and Human Services, which runs Medicare and Medicaid, the expansion of Medicaid plus the subidides for policies sold on the exchanges all come from the Medicare trust fund. To make certain that the Medicare funds aren’t accidentally spent on a Medicare claim, such strict caps are being applied to Medicare claims that the Actuary estimates a minimum of 10% of doctors and hospitals will go broke if they accept new Medicare patients.)
bobdingus about 11 years ago
Yeah, civilization is nasty like that.
Ermine Notyours about 11 years ago
“The first bud designed specifically for gay use?” Reminds me of cannibus suppositories that were designed that way to discourage non-medical use. By the way, I don’t use pot, but I am LGBT. I’ll let you guess which one.
Gokie5 about 11 years ago
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! Here’s a gift for you:
susan.e.a.c about 11 years ago
Q4horse, nice sarcasm. Air pollution, water waste, soil destruction, 24 hours of inability to work, how can any of that be bad for your health?
And Davidhuiegreen, I guess that’s why illegal smokes only account for $1 bilin a year in the U.S./Canada and illegal alcohol about twice that amount.
Dennett Premium Member about 11 years ago
Excessively high taxes will encourage black-market pot sales, just like we still see with bootleg cigarettes in New York and Quebec.
montessoriteacher about 11 years ago
Bonne année et bonne santé!
JP Steve Premium Member about 11 years ago
Unfortunately, finding a new source of funding doesn’t get our governments out of debt. It just opens new ways to spend themselves in deeper!
Hunter7 about 11 years ago
…Its a. ..Budding bidding war…!