Thanks, Mom! I love it here at the Aquarium!
I know its your favorite Sunny!
Maybe you can tell me something about these dolphins:
How, exactly do they communicate?
Check out the Far Side cartoon where some researchers are stymied by the dolphins’ vocalization (‘see hah blah es pan yol’ and other phrases) -“What does it mean?!?!”
Swalb%515 almost 11 years ago
Dolphins are so smart. Lovely to watch them.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
humans are such a mystery
krys723 almost 11 years ago
On a unrelated note, I used to love heading to the aquarium and the planetarium when I was younger. Elementary school was awesome
Manga Enthusiast almost 11 years ago
Unfortunately, humans often communicate very poorly!
Potrzebie almost 11 years ago
“So long, and thanks for all the fish”
B_Da Author Premium Member almost 11 years ago
gfredrickson85 almost 11 years ago
Well, Flipper figured it out.
emjaycee almost 11 years ago
Check out the Far Side cartoon where some researchers are stymied by the dolphins’ vocalization (‘see hah blah es pan yol’ and other phrases) -“What does it mean?!?!”