My cat was like that. When he sat down he was pear-shaped and his hind feet disappeared entirely. We tried to put him on a diet by restricting the times food was available. The vet just laughed…the cat proceeded to sleep even more than usual, waiting for the bowl to be in his reach.
orinoco womble almost 11 years ago
My cat was like that. When he sat down he was pear-shaped and his hind feet disappeared entirely. We tried to put him on a diet by restricting the times food was available. The vet just laughed…the cat proceeded to sleep even more than usual, waiting for the bowl to be in his reach.
rasalom almost 11 years ago
@Gaijinrabbit: Zippy the Niphead
ladykat almost 11 years ago
He should waddle over to Fat Cats
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
Thinks he’s a sphinx
kth0mpsn almost 11 years ago
Got a 6 month old kitten who’s approaching this shape. Ditto, his 2 littermates.
Kathe almost 11 years ago
I think the cat dietician needs to be consulted before the cat’s head disappears.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
A Tick Kitty!I have one that aspires to that status by eating until her body is out of proportion with her head.
Rista almost 11 years ago
A friend, on his first sight of our tomcat.. “That’s not a cat! That’s a pillow with legs!”
bmonk almost 11 years ago
“. . . often mistaken for a meatloaf”
Gary Wardell about 4 years ago