Or pull a name from the pastTom Corbett : is the main character in a series of Tom Corbett — Space Cadet a kids series I read when very young. Than you can make space cadet jokes and keep Roy happy. (if he is old enough to remember)
He turns out to be both competent AND aware of what’s going around himself. An “On the Ball” Boss would challenge Rita in all KINDS of ways that she’s not used to!
don’t remember her name or if she was actually given one, but Rita’s mom would be a good one. Someone Rita could not fool. If I remember when she came to visit she was rough on Rita and I thought for a while that it would be “blind Justice” if she turned out to be the owner of the company and Rita had a “family” job.
I have seen (and worked for) many companies both poorly run and well run. The best was the last place I worked in Illinois (Grumman-Butkus) and is doing well in all economy (and said they’d take me back if I moved back there) but I moved because of the weather and one of the absolute WORST was a company that seemed rather similar (at first sight) but GBA had my attention before the 9+ years I worked there (for winning various industry awards while I was in ASHRAE) and so, when I left Zenith (which NEVER had good management) I chose GBA and would still be there if I had not wanted the lovely warmth and sunshine of Arizona.
Rod Gonzalez almost 11 years ago
I nominate Dana as Rita’s new boss!
SashaW almost 11 years ago
Nope, they are both victims of the glass ceiling.
Agent54 almost 11 years ago
Promote Melvin, he is useless where is is and would be useless as a manager.
Agent54 almost 11 years ago
Or pull a name from the pastTom Corbett : is the main character in a series of Tom Corbett — Space Cadet a kids series I read when very young. Than you can make space cadet jokes and keep Roy happy. (if he is old enough to remember)
LeoAutodidact almost 11 years ago
NO names to suggest, but How’s About . . .
He turns out to be both competent AND aware of what’s going around himself. An “On the Ball” Boss would challenge Rita in all KINDS of ways that she’s not used to!
banddmandd almost 11 years ago
Clark, how about Obama ?
Toonerific almost 11 years ago
Norma Olive Theodora Bright. aka Ms N.O.T. Bright.
donwalter almost 11 years ago
I think Bill Clinton is free these days…
Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 11 years ago
M.T. Head. That’s from BRINGING UP FATHER
jeanie5448 almost 11 years ago
don’t remember her name or if she was actually given one, but Rita’s mom would be a good one. Someone Rita could not fool. If I remember when she came to visit she was rough on Rita and I thought for a while that it would be “blind Justice” if she turned out to be the owner of the company and Rita had a “family” job.
jhkelley almost 11 years ago
You could have a slowing-moving Hispanic boss show up, and his name would be….wait for it……wait for it……
Joaquin Slowly (walkin’ slowly)
invertedyesterday almost 11 years ago
I suggest… I. M. Breathin. (I am breathing…)
jhkelley almost 11 years ago
Maybe Jerry Attrick?
jhkelley almost 11 years ago
Possibly Ima Idjitt?
jhkelley almost 11 years ago
Or even Hugh Rang.
SFpagan almost 11 years ago
Harold Saxon (the last version of the Master, in Doctor Who shows)
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
Pointy Haired boss’ brother?
socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I’m sure this won’t go, but for woman’s boss, I think “Buster Stones” would work. :-D
vldazzle almost 11 years ago
I have seen (and worked for) many companies both poorly run and well run. The best was the last place I worked in Illinois (Grumman-Butkus) and is doing well in all economy (and said they’d take me back if I moved back there) but I moved because of the weather and one of the absolute WORST was a company that seemed rather similar (at first sight) but GBA had my attention before the 9+ years I worked there (for winning various industry awards while I was in ASHRAE) and so, when I left Zenith (which NEVER had good management) I chose GBA and would still be there if I had not wanted the lovely warmth and sunshine of Arizona.
invertedyesterday almost 11 years ago
@Night-Gaunt49… I bow to your perfection.
popomatic almost 11 years ago
Louie Cifier. Say it real fast a few times
Hunter7 almost 11 years ago
all names are real. Its just how they are put together that we recognize them as belonging to others.
rwinkelb almost 11 years ago
Another literary reference: “Tom Swift,” she wrote. …. Think of the fun when management generates another less than intelligent policy. ;)