Dave Barry wrote once that after Hurricane Andrew, the walls around I think it was the enclosed porch were gone, just a doorframe standing there—and his dogs would run up to that doorframe and bark like crazy for the door to be opened so they could go out. No matter how many times he walked them around the empty space to the sides of that door.
Catfeet Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Maybe Rover just wants Red to read to him!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 11 years ago
???Rover is part cat?
T_Lexi almost 11 years ago
Rover wants Red to put the comic book down and come out and play now!
Perkycat almost 11 years ago
dogday Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Red said, “….if you want to go OUT.” He did not specify anything about coming back in.
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Dave Barry wrote once that after Hurricane Andrew, the walls around I think it was the enclosed porch were gone, just a doorframe standing there—and his dogs would run up to that doorframe and bark like crazy for the door to be opened so they could go out. No matter how many times he walked them around the empty space to the sides of that door.