Pickles by Brian Crane for March 07, 2014

  1. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 11 years ago

    In the grand scheme of things, how much does it really matter what your undies look like? Heck, for years now it’s been 50-50 on any given day whether my t-shirt is inside-out or not.

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  2. Old joe
    ratlum  almost 11 years ago

    Careful Earl she might send you to the store to buy them,and you cant stand shopping .Ladys undies are so hard to get the size right.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 11 years ago

    Had a little experience like that, expect it was on a white towel given to me for high school graduation 11 years ago (it has a few spots, but too big of spots) and I still use it.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 11 years ago

    a variation of tie dye

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    ker5159  almost 11 years ago

    This happened to me just this week. Left a pen in my shirt and BAM! One hour removing blue ink from the porcelain inside our washer AND dryer. Not a happy camper, my wife! I’m still high from smelling the nail polish remover. Nothing else worked.

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    frerrick  almost 11 years ago

    I went to buy my wife some brassieres for her birthday because she said that’s what she wanted. When the lady at the store asked what size my wife wore, I said “size 14”. “There’s no such size” said the lady. I said “there must be, I wear a size 7 hat, and that fits one of them”…

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    ker5159  almost 11 years ago

    Oh, one good thing came of this. I now have more rags to use when I check the oil in my car.

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  8. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    That’ll teach her not to let the laundry slide.

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  9. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  almost 11 years ago

    Earl’s version of ‘Gotcha’

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    pekenpug  almost 11 years ago

    I once washed my dad’s undershirts (this was long ago) with my cranberry red shirt. He wore pink undershirts to work at the factory for months. My dad was one tough hombre.

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    She Mc  almost 11 years ago

    Are you a man MayKitten?

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  12. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  almost 11 years ago

    Opal wears old lady panties anyway.

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    rorygmw Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    When my husband was getting married, his grandfather took him aside and told him to break a few dishes if his wife asked him to wash them. This principle has worked for him in many other areas for the next 64 years!!

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    gmasj  almost 11 years ago

    Rubbing alcohol get ink out too – blot, don’t rub. In the “old” days I used cheap aerosol hair spray but it was too expensive & too many fumes from the aerosol components.

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    Nancy J Stout  almost 11 years ago

    Had that happen while traveling. Taught me to look in the washers and driers before loading.

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    artsudz  almost 11 years ago

    My husband did that once with a hot pink gel pen and every valuable piece of clothing I owned. OxyClean saved his life.

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    Number Three  almost 11 years ago

    Ohhhh dear!


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    rekam Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    When my brother was in the Navy, he sent me pajamas with fuschia colored pants from Japan. He returned and was visiting. Needed to wash his white sailor’s cap and I put it in with the pajamas. He had the prettiest pink cap! Naturally, had to get a new one.

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  19. I m waitring
    Barker62  almost 11 years ago

    My late wife never forgave me for washing her undies with jeans that had gasoline spilled on them……… Well, I just needed a couple more things to make a full load in the washer so I grabbed what happened to be in the hamper at the time………!

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