FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for April 08, 2014
Coach: Fox, got a second? Peter: yes, coach? Coach: I’d like to thank you for your contribution to our win the other day. You really made the difference in the game. Peter: Contribution? I was home sick with a cold. Coach: So, um, how’s that nose feeling? We’ve got Smithville coming up. Peter: My nose is fine, coach.
legaleagle48 almost 11 years ago
What he’s trying to tell you, Peter, is that you suck.
Destiny23 almost 11 years ago
Any chance you could trade him to Smithville? (You might have to pay them to take him off your hands…)
vwdualnomand almost 11 years ago
it also applies to some teams. for example, the chicago cubs should never be in the mlb. a bunch of losers.
Chris Kenworthy almost 11 years ago
Hmm… is there some rule that the coach has to play him if he shows up?
AZPhinFan almost 11 years ago
Things must be really dire in south Florida….the Miami Dolphins signed Jason Fox last week!
Doctor11 almost 11 years ago
Oh brother, they can only win when Peter isn’t there.