I had an old Commodore VIC-20 and figured out somehow how to get a look at the code on the game cassettes, which I thought was a pretty cool thing to do be able to do. Other than playing games, it couldn’t do a whole lot.
I still remember the secret code – “xyzzy” – that would get you through one of the locked doors. I had a roommate who went to MIT and we used to boot into the mainframe from home using an acoustic device that fit a land line phone handset. This was around 1975-76. One game was called Adventure, another was Dungeon. Oh, and pschearer, we drew a map as well. Haven’t thought about that in years.
YES! This is a TRS-DOS Model III. I owned one (64 MB hard drive). Conversed with a guy at work about his Model III (128 MB). A year later we were married. Not a joke.
BE THIS GUY almost 11 years ago
Sherlock Watson almost 11 years ago
Doggie is going to mark miles and miles of virtual territory.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Do you recognize the computer?
TooOldToBeCool almost 11 years ago
Dean almost 11 years ago
This reminds of an MIT friend’s homemade computer.Booting required some numbers entered to command it to read the drive.
Carl S Gutekunst almost 11 years ago
And in an astounding flurry, the little bird is burned to a crisp.
ladykat almost 11 years ago
I used to try to play that game. Lord, I’m old…
uniquename almost 11 years ago
gcarlson almost 11 years ago
Reminds me of “Pyramid”, which a high school friend loaded each time we played from a cassette tape (ca 1878).
Chris Sherlock almost 11 years ago
I had an old Commodore VIC-20 and figured out somehow how to get a look at the code on the game cassettes, which I thought was a pretty cool thing to do be able to do. Other than playing games, it couldn’t do a whole lot.
heatherjasper almost 11 years ago
I love Zork, especially when my sister dies trying to kill the troll.
pschearer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I ran “adventure” on a number of mainframes. I still have a map of The Cave somewhere.
But mostly I loved the adventure-style game “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” which included a sequence something like this:
GO NORTH you can’t go that wayGO NORTH you can’t go that wayGO NORTH I said, you can’t go that wayGO NORTH OK, I lied. You can go that way.
tedsini almost 11 years ago
I still remember the secret code – “xyzzy” – that would get you through one of the locked doors. I had a roommate who went to MIT and we used to boot into the mainframe from home using an acoustic device that fit a land line phone handset. This was around 1975-76. One game was called Adventure, another was Dungeon. Oh, and pschearer, we drew a map as well. Haven’t thought about that in years.
pschearer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Thanks for the link. I’m sure it will be an adventure.
MarjatK almost 11 years ago
YES! This is a TRS-DOS Model III. I owned one (64 MB hard drive). Conversed with a guy at work about his Model III (128 MB). A year later we were married. Not a joke.
KEA almost 11 years ago
ah… the good ol’ days
ck9aTony almost 11 years ago
Ah, is there a Keeshond in the house?