Frank and Ernest by Thaves for May 11, 2014
Wonderland Investment Advisors Ernest: How are things going with your superhero clients? Frank: I advised Spider-Man to take more risk--he'll always have a safety net. Frank: Aquaman is getting more liquid assets. Ernest: What about Iron Man? Frank: He needs to diversify. He's buying gold and silver. Frank: And I'm putting the Incredible Hulk into real estate projects. The volatile market suits his personality... Frank: Plus, with his strength, he'll have no problem flipping houses!
TREEINTHEWIND over 10 years ago
I advised Batman to take a swing in baseball,,,,. he might get a hit there…….. and Robin can chase the fly balls and help keep track of the in’s and out’s……………………
nataliekaylaben over 10 years ago
He shouldn’t violate his clients’ confidentiality
Perkycat over 10 years ago
This one is great! I love it!
dzw3030 over 10 years ago
Way back when, my buddy finally had money to invest. His investment counselor advised against investing in gold. The next year, the US removed the price controls on gold and the price went from $35/oz to over $800/oz. He’s done well since but has never used an advisor again.
davbart92663 over 10 years ago
When I was 18 (1973), my grandma passed away and I received $1,000. I bought 2 stocks, Disney and Coke. Only reason was I figured they would never go broke. My brothers bought cars. Nyah!!!