Random thoughts at a very late hour….an early hour to those of you getting up now on the East Coast….while I clean the giant daiquiri grinder after tonight’s little eclipse party.
Did anybody actually see the eclipse? Not the party at the Tiki… after a few daiquiris, they never went outdoors.
I was here, of course, and I did go outside….but the sky was solid fog anyway. Sorry I haven’t kept up with some of the posts…like, I meant to say “hi” back to Perkycat and 2Old… and to tell Shika I’m always here exactly when she’s not, for some reason….
And where the heck is StelBel???
Fenton, I’m gonna head home…. The books are done, the grinder’s clean….luckily, it wasn’t me doing the taxes….the Monkey says he took them to a real accountant this time.
Hope he’s good.
Yeah, I bet you filed in March, didn’t you, Fenton….You’re such a good dog.G’night, all…..
Soon to be lost when he sees pictures online of his big butt aiming at the window. Taken and posted shamelessly by his envious next door neighbor madly jealous over his new found acceptance.
If you have Adult Children in your queue from when it was on Sherpa, you are going to have to re-add it from the mane line up. It won’t feed from Sherpa any more.
Well, they said I got some “post surgery changes” in my neck and the Degenerative Disease is worse. Gotta see a surgeon the 23rd. He will tell me (hopefully in English) what it all means. Till then I gotta wear a neck brace and stay in bed cause my head weighs 1000 pounds. I gotta bracket with eight screws in there or my head would flop like a tuna on a hook. Tuna ain’t my favorite fish.
Loved your little cartoon. So true. Beviek – those baby pictures – too cute. Are the Chuck’s? 2old – I always love that cat/lion picture. Dogsniff – NO, you didn’t have to do that. (wish I had thought of it) Hi! – Susan Sunshine – “why would you turn your mom upside down” – Very Funny! Beviek – Credence Clearwater Revival is my all-time favorite! I saw the bright moon earlier but then the clouds came in. I saw it on the news. T_Lexi – love that!
Later on, even though he had accepted himself as he was, Chuck decided to make some changes anyway…to reflect (more accurately) his inner self, you know….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Everybody on Ballard Street is awesome!
I think it’s something in the water!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Its not how you look, its how you see yourself!
Superfrog over 10 years ago
This is a happy time for Chuck.Last week it was self-conception but next week it’ll be self-exception..
Varnes over 10 years ago
WOW is MOM upside down….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Varnes… but why would you turn your Mom upside down??
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Bev… I forgot to tell you, sure, Wednesday is fine for your manicure…why not?Not like I have anything else to do.
Would you like to come in at 3:47?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Random thoughts at a very late hour….an early hour to those of you getting up now on the East Coast….while I clean the giant daiquiri grinder after tonight’s little eclipse party.
Did anybody actually see the eclipse? Not the party at the Tiki… after a few daiquiris, they never went outdoors.
I was here, of course, and I did go outside….but the sky was solid fog anyway. Sorry I haven’t kept up with some of the posts…like, I meant to say “hi” back to Perkycat and 2Old… and to tell Shika I’m always here exactly when she’s not, for some reason….
And where the heck is StelBel???
Fenton, I’m gonna head home…. The books are done, the grinder’s clean….luckily, it wasn’t me doing the taxes….the Monkey says he took them to a real accountant this time.
Hope he’s good.
Yeah, I bet you filed in March, didn’t you, Fenton….You’re such a good dog.G’night, all…..
ickymudd over 10 years ago
Good morning to all of you BS’rs. :)
magicwalnut over 10 years ago
You go, Chuck!
Vet Premium Member over 10 years ago
Soon to be lost when he sees pictures online of his big butt aiming at the window. Taken and posted shamelessly by his envious next door neighbor madly jealous over his new found acceptance.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
If you have Adult Children in your queue from when it was on Sherpa, you are going to have to re-add it from the mane line up. It won’t feed from Sherpa any more.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
Storm F-1/4 over 10 years ago
1998 at 2:16 AM. That was my moment.
Well, they said I got some “post surgery changes” in my neck and the Degenerative Disease is worse. Gotta see a surgeon the 23rd. He will tell me (hopefully in English) what it all means. Till then I gotta wear a neck brace and stay in bed cause my head weighs 1000 pounds. I gotta bracket with eight screws in there or my head would flop like a tuna on a hook. Tuna ain’t my favorite fish.
Storm F-1/4 over 10 years ago
I may not stick around long but you guys make my day. Just wanted you to know that. Oh and I hate pink. Just threw that out there.
T_Lexi over 10 years ago
Chuck’s got the right idea! : D@Storm – condolences on your bummer situation; wishing you the best (and NO pink tuna FedEx packages for you!)
Perkycat over 10 years ago
Loved your little cartoon. So true. Beviek – those baby pictures – too cute. Are the Chuck’s? 2old – I always love that cat/lion picture. Dogsniff – NO, you didn’t have to do that. (wish I had thought of it) Hi! – Susan Sunshine – “why would you turn your mom upside down” – Very Funny! Beviek – Credence Clearwater Revival is my all-time favorite! I saw the bright moon earlier but then the clouds came in. I saw it on the news. T_Lexi – love that!
StelBel over 10 years ago
Later on, even though he had accepted himself as he was, Chuck decided to make some changes anyway…to reflect (more accurately) his inner self, you know….
StelBel over 10 years ago
Thank you for doing what I was dreading to do!
StelBel over 10 years ago
Bev knows what i’m talking about….!
StelBel over 10 years ago
wise guy…
Varnes over 10 years ago
Susan, she fell heels over head for my dad…Her feet still smelled but her nose couldn’t run….I was helping her out….
Dogsniff, if I’m not mistaken, havin’ your legs “askew” is how you become a MOM….And pretty soon you’re thinking, WOW!
Varnes over 10 years ago
Storm, I’m sad to hear it, but hang in there, man…..We’re all pullin’ for you here…
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
@ StormIt you have to wear a neck brace, I’m sending you one that’s at least organic. And you notice it has a plug for your computer!
seriously, I hope you feel better soon!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
@ StormI demonstrated the brace on Beviek. I think she looks quite fetching, don’t you?
pcolli over 10 years ago
I’ve never been to the Tiki Lounge in this city, either. Probably because it’s a student bar and I haven’t been a student since 1974.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Tigressy 8 months ago
Spring is in the air…
https double dot double slash cleoandcompany dot net slash april-15-2024 slash
Dry and Dusty Premium Member 8 months ago
Good afternoon Balladeers and Tigressy!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member 8 months ago
Good for you, Chuck! Are any of those little framed photos you, doing whatever prompted that “wow”?