I went looking for GIF images of bouncing dogs. My “safe search” setting is set to modderate.The things, pairs of things, that poped up were mesmerizing.I lost the dog GIF I wanted to use…
man if you knew how crazy Stanley was you wouldnt even post this….lol…but he did have a great pond we all used to go skinny dipping in…Stanley Marsh was and is totally insane!
re: Amarillo…the reason that strip was funny was because thats EXACTLY what the weather there is like…I can remember one day when it rained then turned into snow then back to rain with hail and then we had to rush to the storm cellar due to tornado’s being sighted…notice that tornado’s was plural…
@Essex60give a man a fish and he eats for that day…teach him to fish and he will be gone all the time!thats when we women can get our serious shopping done…
@ Annette, My pool and waterfall are nice, and I’ve enjoyed while living here for the last 16 years (since about when I turned 60). My new man (and most of my close SCA friends) live on the west side of town; he’s in Sun City and that community has many perks, including really nice pools (one totally indoors – better for me to swim without sun exposure) and I’m ready to let someone younger maintain a pool.
I’ve been advised I can get about double the 160 I paid for this house in current market, and I really don’t need my OWN pool (he has a nice in-ground hot tub that he’s re-piping now) and I will build a small waterfall (like the smaller one I had in IL- shown here early spring, before the lilacs leafed out.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
We had a dog named Scooter when I was a kid. She was a Brittany spaniel.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Going up the hill is ok,. but coming down is awesome!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
I went looking for GIF images of bouncing dogs. My “safe search” setting is set to modderate.The things, pairs of things, that poped up were mesmerizing.I lost the dog GIF I wanted to use…
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
not just a swinger, but a balancing genius!
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
Perkycat over 10 years ago
Nice story. I heard it before but it is nice to hear again. Good advice.
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
OMG Bev! It worked!! Hope Stel likes it…now I gotta get the size down…
Perkycat over 10 years ago
Love all you do and say!
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
Which reminds me, I’ll be taking 2old for a ride this afternoon…gives a whole new meaning to the “mother in law” seat…
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
God Bless Rose!
Storm F-1/4 over 10 years ago
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Today’s random rabbit.
Pauls77 over 10 years ago
Scooter is utterly buoyant today.
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
re:Miss Millie High Maintenance…I can say it but I cant outdo it….She is gorgeous!
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
the only 78’s I ever heard were my dad’s Hanks…Williams, Snow, Thompson etc…but this was pretty cool!
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
ear worm wont stop…Aint we crazy…aint we crazy….sheesh!yeah, I guess we are…
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
Miss Millie is feeling Peacockish…
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
man if you knew how crazy Stanley was you wouldnt even post this….lol…but he did have a great pond we all used to go skinny dipping in…Stanley Marsh was and is totally insane!
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
re Miss Millie…
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
dont you love those fiddles?….I can eat em up with two spoons!…great song…man, he knew my hometown and thats for sure!!
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
got the speakers cranked….
Shikamoo Premium Member over 10 years ago
BEVIEK, your avatar is lovely, just makes me dizzy.But it doesn’t take much….
Shikamoo Premium Member over 10 years ago
Sorry I haven’t been here much. Life has gotten hectic recently, and will be for a while.
Good Night Ballard Dears, I miss all the crazy antics here. I’ll try to get her more often.
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
re: Amarillo…the reason that strip was funny was because thats EXACTLY what the weather there is like…I can remember one day when it rained then turned into snow then back to rain with hail and then we had to rush to the storm cellar due to tornado’s being sighted…notice that tornado’s was plural…
Linda Solomon over 10 years ago
@Essex60give a man a fish and he eats for that day…teach him to fish and he will be gone all the time!thats when we women can get our serious shopping done…
Storm F-1/4 over 10 years ago
………………………………………………Ah! Horse Pucky!! Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha……………
vldazzle over 10 years ago
@ Annette, My pool and waterfall are nice, and I’ve enjoyed while living here for the last 16 years (since about when I turned 60). My new man (and most of my close SCA friends) live on the west side of town; he’s in Sun City and that community has many perks, including really nice pools (one totally indoors – better for me to swim without sun exposure) and I’m ready to let someone younger maintain a pool.
I’ve been advised I can get about double the 160 I paid for this house in current market, and I really don’t need my OWN pool (he has a nice in-ground hot tub that he’s re-piping now) and I will build a small waterfall (like the smaller one I had in IL- shown here early spring, before the lilacs leafed out.
pcolli over 10 years ago
Being “so far away” makes the friendship so much stronger.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
This evenings random (kinda) rabbit.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Tigressy 7 months ago
One of my all-time favorites!
https ://cleoandcompany.Net/may-17-2024/
Dry and Dusty Premium Member 7 months ago
Good morning Balladeers and Tigressy!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member 7 months ago
The little dog I had years ago loved running up the short hill at the park.