The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for June 15, 2014

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Maybe it will put hair on Jerry’s chest and cause Dale to go bald, Wait, it did that last year.Those eagles will drop dead in….3….2….1WHY would anyone want to get in a tub of water with this bunch is beyond me, there ain’t enough chemicals in the world!

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    mikie2  over 10 years ago

    I don’t get in a pool with ordinary people and I certainly wouldn’t get in a pool with these people! (Rephrase of 2old.)I saw a lot of Bald Eagles eating dead fish guts in Alaska, so I know they’ll eat pretty much anything. Could they have found something in Burl/Joy’s pool? A piece of Jerry, perhaps?

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I know Burl is pretty dumb (that’s like saying Mt. Everest is “pretty high,” I know) … so maybe the point was that he thought the eagles were sparrows.

    Or…. maybe he was trying to make a joke, to scare Dale… telling him they used to be sparrows, before they drank the water.But I was kinda thinking maybe he was simply telling the truth…The sparrows grew big and lost their hair after ingesting pool chemicals.

    Hop on in, Jer… no, dive in…. a little pool water won’t hurt you.We don’t really want you any bigger…but hey, if it’s the only way you’ll shed some of that fleece…..

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    loveslife  over 10 years ago

    The eagles seem to have horns.. even if Dale was joking about the sparrows the pool isn’t safe.

    Eagles are scavengers around here to. They eat road kill with the vultures and crows. We have 2 pair close by and it’s fun watching them. We had 3 but I haven’t seen the pair on my way to work this year. I hope they just moved on and didn’t get killed . So pretty to watch.

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    loveslife  over 10 years ago

    What smells?? Their sespool.. That’s what !!!

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    finale  over 10 years ago

    Don’t forget a big dose of “Methyl-Ethyl-Terrible”!

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  7. Front sword at ready
    shamest Premium Member over 10 years ago

    wow after that combination nothing can live in that water . That includes the swimmers. Then after the swimmers die the water dissolves the bodies. Oh awesome a perfect way to get rid on the bodies after a murder. No body no evidence.Wahahaha

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  8. My eye
    vldazzle  over 10 years ago

    Such a tiny tub anyway for so many people. My guy’s hot tub is that size (and finished with pretty tile inside) and you know my pool is bigger (but I’ll be leaving that behind – I don’t actually use it so much because I don’t want sun.

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