The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 01, 2021
Huey: The beef industry and the government have been covering up the danger of mad cow disease for years. I mean, they sued Oprah just for talking about it. The media's been scared to death to touch this issue. Caesar: The president doesn't seem too worried. Huey: Sure, if he catches a brain-eating disease, who's gonna notice?
Algolei I almost 4 years ago
Can’t catch something if you ain’t got what it eats.
Painted Wolf almost 4 years ago
Shrub Jr. should really thank DJT. He looks so good, so presidential, so sane, and so smart in comparison.
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
People in office have been plagued with this brain eating disease for centuries.
wbretz almost 4 years ago
And that explains Donnie’s love of hamberders…
Baba Yaga Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I see that the mad cow would go hungry in here, it seems to be democrat meeting place.
ImDaRealAni almost 4 years ago
I think Mad Cow disease has come up in Big Nate too.
cosman almost 4 years ago
i’d be mad too..
TracyKlujian almost 4 years ago
The Oprah show that riled up the cattlemen aired in April of 1996. 18 months later the Amarillo jury found in her favor. All this took place during Bill Clinton’s administration (1993-2001). This insult is the kind usually directed at Reagan. When was this comic published and which president was meant?