FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 21, 2010
Jason: What's going on? I'm 10 feet tall and blue! And my hair has a long braid with a USB connector on the end! I wonder what would happen if I plugged it in that computer...It's like our minds are one! I can speak its language! This is awesome! Ooo-it wants me to write some object-oriented code... Jason: I had that "Javatar" dream again last night. Peter: You say that like I'm supposed to be jealous.
Bittermelon of Truth almost 15 years ago
“Javatar” LOL… 3D for geeks!
wndrwrthg almost 15 years ago
“Java tar”, sounds like my coffee after being on the burner to long.
ARF2 almost 15 years ago
Will Jason be inspired to create Handwavium®, the cheep artificial room-temperature superconductor?
Rakkav almost 15 years ago
Yes, once he finds a sufficient supply of unobtanium.
Not having seen Avatar - heresy! - I have no idea yet what they call whatever it is they’re fighting over. (Before anyone spoils the plot for me here, I’ll see if Wikipedia or some other source has the spoilers.)
vldazzle almost 15 years ago
Great one!
rayannina almost 15 years ago
Once again, Jason shoves the Nerd-o-meter needle into the red.
Johanan: what they’re fighting over … I think they’re called “Oscars.”
sherpafree almost 15 years ago
‘Sun Microsystems’; not to be confused with
‘Lunatic Software’, an entirely different software
company, with a stong emphasis on ‘different’.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Blue skin? Blue Avatar group? Smurfistan? There got all the REALLY old jokes out of the way. Jason loves singing the blues. Oops.
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I thought that the blue folks were all about Unobtainium.
Rakkav almost 15 years ago
“Unobtanium” is an old, old joke of itself, long predating Avatar. I had no idea - until looking up the Wikipedia article on the film - that Mr. Cameron et al. actually dared to use the word.
comicpat65 Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Love this strip! Mr. Amend, please reconsider bringing it back as a daily strip. It does what a comic strip is supposed to do, make you laugh! :D
Rakkav almost 15 years ago
Well, he had to get Valentine’s Day out of the way first…things do pile up.
javashaman almost 15 years ago
I totally had that dream last night.
puddleglum1066 almost 15 years ago
Hey Jason… y’know what other, umm, “interface” the Na’vi use that little “USB connector” for?
Tomorrow night, Ellen enters your dreams…
EWWWWWWW! almost 15 years ago
“you say that like i’m supposed to be jealous” hahahaha
Sillstaw almost 15 years ago
Furienna: Keep in mind, these strips have to be done about six weeks in advance. I don’t know if Bill Amend has to do it like that, since he has 1/7th the workload of everyone else, but it does explain why he may not have gotten to it earlier.
Sandy_Crow almost 15 years ago
@puddleglum1066 i think you mean Eileen? :)
Awesomenessunleashed25 over 14 years ago
lol JAVATAR so cool love this its so funny luv this and the last pannel is hilariouse
coolguy3145 almost 14 years ago
Lol USB cable
iFerrarifan over 13 years ago
That’s what SHE said!
alecgiacometti over 6 years ago
That must have been a very uncomfortable position. (Panel 5)
Cheeeeeese about 4 years ago
OOP sucks. GOTOs are way better!!!