It is impossible for the DMV to generate a decent image for a driver’s license. That’s just history since it’s another way for the DMV to torture people…..As for school photos, well, I used to cover my license photo with an old high school photo — until it disappeared. And everyone agreed I didn’t look like that anymore. Sigh…..Tried to get my company photo replaced with Cary Grant, but they refused – don’t really know why, actually…
Simon_Jester over 10 years ago
Knowing Millie, I would have thought she’d be PROUD of a school pic like that one.
Masterius over 10 years ago
All that’s missing is the “zing” sound effect!
Hag5000 over 10 years ago
“In here somewhere…” Makes me wonder what else Millie has stashed in her pocket.
Khatkhattu Premium Member over 10 years ago
Think of it as preparation for her driver’s license photo.
Kali39 over 10 years ago
It is impossible for the DMV to generate a decent image for a driver’s license. That’s just history since it’s another way for the DMV to torture people…..As for school photos, well, I used to cover my license photo with an old high school photo — until it disappeared. And everyone agreed I didn’t look like that anymore. Sigh…..Tried to get my company photo replaced with Cary Grant, but they refused – don’t really know why, actually…