Didn’t have to worry about that when I was a kid. Both parents, four girls and three boys in a one bathroom house, all through our school years. As soon as you shut the door someone was already knocking (at least the boys had the big backyard if necessary). This also included showers every day, of course. I still don’t have any idea how we all managed.
top cat james over 5 years ago
“Sometimes it takes constant patience—That’s why its called constipation!”
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
TMI, kids—-actually, make that WTMI!
Dani Rice over 5 years ago
Leave it to a kid to tell you the absolute truth!
jagedlo over 5 years ago
Dr. Ruthie to the rescue!
Mr Nobody over 5 years ago
Out of the orifices of babes.
Skeptical Meg over 5 years ago
Someday, Dr Ruthie will grow up to be known as Dr Ruth.
kab2rb over 5 years ago
I say you have a pinched nerve, yet the kids can be right too.Not certain of others, for me I had to advance each strip I read for today by one day.
Ushindi over 5 years ago
Didn’t have to worry about that when I was a kid. Both parents, four girls and three boys in a one bathroom house, all through our school years. As soon as you shut the door someone was already knocking (at least the boys had the big backyard if necessary). This also included showers every day, of course. I still don’t have any idea how we all managed.
gigagrouch over 5 years ago