B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for March 13, 2010

  1. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  almost 15 years ago

    Someone sure got that right.

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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Yikes……….it’s Big Guido!!!!

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  3. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    He’s a big one, all right!

    Good Morning, Lonewolf & LuvH8!

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  4. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    No matter what they invest in, it is always lucrative.

    Hi Grog & LuvH8

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  5. Opus45
    poppy1313  almost 15 years ago

    add college tuition

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  6. Easter island polarized hill
    SplendensPluviaNemus  almost 15 years ago

    Buy books for an inflated price and get an nth of their real value back…. it does sound like a racket, doesn’t it.

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  7. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  almost 15 years ago

    Is that caveman with black hair and beard an Italian mafia?

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  8. Grim sm blue eyes
    Ooops! Premium Member almost 15 years ago
    Hello Grog & LoneWolfie!
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  9. Images
    JerryGorton  almost 15 years ago

    This is a racket with college professors…..of course their salaries are usually not market value for talent (sometimes they are!)…

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  10. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    I always bought used. Then I could study other students highlighting. If there were three shades of highlighter I figured that was important.

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  11. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  almost 15 years ago

    I agree about the college text books, but I thought the reason we don’t hear as much about organized crime is that the all got MBA’s & Wall Street Jobs!

    You put your $$ in - They take your $$$ out & buy luxury penthouses & yachts. They paid some lackey to do their dirty work (politics) to deregulate the banking/investment industry. You bailout the failed banks & investment firms with tax $$$$$$. U know the rest of the story… We need an “Eliot Ness” going after the Wall Street’s version of the “Untouchables”.

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  12. Tx longhorn1
    mantra79ss  almost 15 years ago

    they are into the politians, investment companies, banks, and white collar scams these days….they still off people who don’t cooperate…..just take a look at some deaths of the people who associated with the “Clintons” back in the day…..truely they were “Untouchable”…..lots of dead people…..no convictions….ummmm

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  13. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I read recently that college textbooks are going digital. I’m sure they’ll find a way to make money off of those.

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  14. V  9
    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    signed up for adult learning. If I open the DVD pack in the back, I can’t return my textbook for any refunds. Fortunately, I don’t need it, but I can imagine the number of kids who don’t read the instructions and pop the pack, load the DVD and lose ALL their investment.

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  15. Missing large
    carlk318  almost 15 years ago

    I am a college professor and we get absolutely nothing from the textbooks! I don’t like the cost any more than students do and there are some new sources for texts that are a fraction of the cost. And I DO teach the material in the book, as most of my colleagues do!

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  16. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Don’t sweat it, carlk. I think we’re just seeing the natural distrust of a certain segment of the population for anyone who knows more than they do…

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