Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 10, 2014
Man 1: Well, good night, judge. It was fun drinking and conspiring with you. Man 2: Ah yes. You too, Sheriff. By the way... we can't really hang that redhead for stealing some Bufferin. Man 1: No... she's going to hang for killing the judge. Man 2: Your call whatever. Wait, I'm the only judge in town!! GAAAAH! Man 1: You really shouldn't have sold me out on that land deal! Rip Haywire: Sheesh, no wonder small towns are dying out!
SKJAM! Premium Member over 10 years ago
This is the problem with hanging out with people who solve all their difficulties with murder.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Word to the wise, never trust a general with a six o’clock shadow and ammo belts worn as ribbons.
Chithing Premium Member over 10 years ago
Now Rip, don’t judge a small town by it’s…uh, right. He was the only judge.
StoicLion1973 over 10 years ago
I LOL’d too much; my co-workers are concerned.
SkyFisher over 10 years ago
Hmmm…I wonder if that should be “Ka-kapow!”
lecrenb over 10 years ago
Gotta love it when sheriffs and judges Ka-Spire!
Dragoncat over 10 years ago
Might as well just sneak Breezy out of town, and let everyone there kill each other…just like they were planning to, anyway.