Heart of the City by Steenz for March 26, 2010

  1. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  almost 15 years ago

    “Tear away the scab of my DEEP WOUND”……nicely put Dean, Oh and enjoy your Breakfast I know I will.

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  2. V  9
    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    Mike remains parked in Dean’s Heart forever and she won’t stop taking about him.

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  3. Missing large
    Asrial  almost 15 years ago

    And here they say men don’t have emotionless..

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  4. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  over 3 years ago

    Remember when Addy had a boyfriend, there were hints about Heart’s father having some interest in his daughter, and Heart was aiming to be a cheerleader one day? No? Because this stupid Dean-loves-his-bike plot is the only thing you remember? Same.

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