A drugged out kitty is a happy kitty. Maybe a little hungry. friend’s cat found the 3 lb gift wrapped bag of catnipped under the Christmas Tree. She not only ate through the bag, she never left the tree for 3 days. Just dozed and watched from beneath the branches.
juicebruce about 10 years ago
ZZ Top “Get High Everybody Get High” !
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well Gweedo, we can tell they don’t live where Murray does.
ChrisV about 10 years ago
It’s too bad Darby doesn’t do this strip everyday like he used to anymore but at least every Sunday we get comedy gold like “Legalize my butt!”
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Now, THERE’s a t-shirt slogan, Satchel .
Calvins Brother about 10 years ago
LOL, Darbys take on Medicinal(or not) marijuana is a hoot!
heatherjasper about 10 years ago
Lord of the….Couches?
Gokie5 about 10 years ago
Now, this one was funny!
xall2h1 about 10 years ago
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
A drugged out kitty is a happy kitty. Maybe a little hungry. friend’s cat found the 3 lb gift wrapped bag of catnipped under the Christmas Tree. She not only ate through the bag, she never left the tree for 3 days. Just dozed and watched from beneath the branches.