First Perry Bible Fellowship by Nicholas Gurewitch for November 07, 2014

  1. Avatar 2013
    samuli creator about 10 years ago

    Here’s my hand proudly holding the Finnish collection of PBF

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  2. Cindy crawford shaving cream 1
    randayn  about 10 years ago

    Good luck with the strip.

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  3. Davy with troop color   small
    Davy Jones Premium Member about 10 years ago

    This one looks fun!!!! Great addition to the official GoComics family!!!!.#CharmysArmy

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  4. K schrag
    Karl Hiller  about 10 years ago

    Immediately added to the top of my reading list.

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    Jack Hattaway  about 10 years ago

    Very happy to see this strip on GoComics! Welcome!

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    digitydigitydigity  about 10 years ago

    YES! I miss this strip so much. I used to see this in The Chicago Reader years ago. I don’t care even if they are reruns.

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  7. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  about 10 years ago

    Mediocre strip…

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    scshot  about 10 years ago

    Bland, wasted my time…

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    pcolli  about 10 years ago

    The word “bible” means BOOK. As in bibliography.

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    JLG Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Happy to see this turn up here! But are these new episodes, or reruns of old ones?

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  11. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Glad to see this strip here. Adding.

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  12. Mark trail mark trail 2
    marktrail59  about 10 years ago

    I clicked “refresh comments,” but I still don’t find these comments refreshing.

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  13. Spacehopper
    damage2007  about 10 years ago

    For the record, he hasn’t released a new strip on his website for months. Maybe busy organising syndication, maybe busy releasing a second book which only contained about a dozen more strips than the first one. Either way, output is almost non-existent. Don’t be surprised if this ends up being yet another series on an endless repeating loop.

    As for all the zealots and nutjobs bemoaning the title, get over yourselves. Plenty of adult-oriented comics on this site, go wave your placards somewhere else.

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    Dawn Premium Member about 10 years ago


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  15. Avatareddie05
    gregcartoon Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I think the title might be just to see who it irritates, don’t you?

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  16. Ganesh
    Donald Heller  about 10 years ago

    Your second sentence exactly applies to the bible! So I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or if you really don’t know that about the bible…

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    paullp Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I never heard of this strip. From the title it could be a morality strip (love to make fun of those), or a parody of a morality strip (love to cheer those on). I don’t love this one; I find the final panel disquieting. In a simpler time the idea would have been used (maybe it was) in a Henry strip, except the worst that would happen is that the kid gets fitted for unnecessary glasses, as opposed to having unnecessary eye surgery. I don’t usually like featureless characters, but I give the artist a lot of credit for conveying emotion, especially in the third panel. Can’t form an opinion at this point; will have to see more.

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  18. Potatoheadworkingasfood
    DanReynolds  about 10 years ago


    God put a limit on the level of man’s intelligence. He set no limit , however, on the level of his stupidity..

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    Random Lurker Premium Member about 10 years ago

    If these comments are anything to go by, this will be quite the entertaining run of comics.Also: subscribed.

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  20. Arrowworm
    RogueSymmetry  about 10 years ago

    Yay, so glad this is on GC now!!

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    kid1at3heart  about 10 years ago

    attention Keith Kunz-the boy is gettin EYE surgery when the adults are the ones who need it

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    terrencestamp90346  about 10 years ago

    he’s not joking. the dude is among the most annoying on this site with his proselytizing and telling everyone how great his comic is and how he did this joke before everyone else. he’s a broken record that no one liked in the first place.

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  23. Potatoheadworkingasfood
    DanReynolds  about 10 years ago

    @Terrence Stamp

    Sorry I annoy you.

    When did I ever say how great my comic was? Serious. Name ONE time I EVER said that. I didn’t think so.

    That comment says a lot about you.

    Any time I have ever said that I have done a cartoon that someone has recently done is for two reasons…1. It’s true.2. Because I always make the point afterwards THIS is why people need to use Google to test to see if an ideas has done before. Why do the same cartoon over again? It benefits NO ONE.

    markjoseph125: You miss the point I don’t need scientific proof. If you want to know God, you use Faith and reason.Science (and everything else, for that matter) is part of God’s creation. Science points to the Creator. BUt you must have Faith, too.

    If you don’t believe in God, be assured He believe in you.

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    davethearkie  about 10 years ago

    What’s the point of reading this?

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  25. Colorful coral reef.jpg.824x0 q71 crop scale
    davethearkie  about 10 years ago

    I don’t really get it

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    Purdey  about 10 years ago

    I took this two ways. The child’s vision was considered bad because he couldn’t (to the doctor) read the 20/200 E, or that the boys vision was too good (able to see the bee on the pointer) and needed to be equalized to be average. Like the Twilight Zone in which beautiful people needed to be ugly.

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  27. Bbjcesh
    barister  about 10 years ago

    Gurewitch to your mind will come every strip you ever wrote. That will be a sad day for you.

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    gustaf.ganters  over 3 years ago

    My favourite webcomic of all time!

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