Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for November 27, 2014
Adam: Oh, wow. This turkey is amazing! Katy: So are the mashed potatoes! Clayton: I think I could live on stuffing alone. Laura: I could do without any of it. Adam, Katy, Clayton: WHAT?? Laura: So long as I had you all. Adam: Aww! Katy: Mom's gettin' mushy again! Clayton: Too...sappy...can't...breathe!
nosirrom about 10 years ago
ladykat about 10 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Dr_Fogg about 10 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving!! :-)
Laynegg about 10 years ago
Awwww! Best strip ever! Happy Turkey Day!
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
“I think I could live on dressing alone…”.Me too! As long as it was “Stove Top”, and also with some mashed potatoes and gravy, oh, and don’t forget the cranberries, and some wine to wash it down. And the fresh baked rolls, and the green bean casserole, and a bit more wine please..Oh, and some turkey, dark meat please, and another glass of wine..Did I mention a bottle of wine?
dzw3030 about 10 years ago
Doctor11 about 10 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
Laura knows how to cook. Stuffing! (no dressing. )Happy Turkey Day!