Time moves so slowly before Christmas Day....
then, December 25th comes and goes with blinding speed!
How do you explain such a phenomenon?
Did you do the homework last night?
Hey! One problem at a time!
While this is real and reflects some universal sentiments, the “slouchy” kid is typically rather aggravating. I actually think today’s panel using his character is perhaps the best one I have seen. He is far less aggravating than usual. If I were Sunny, I would ignore him.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 10 years ago
One simple answer: No.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Poor grades + perfect attendance = graduation of the lowest form. Yes, he is perfect for political work.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
A future in spin control
Gokie5 about 10 years ago
. . . and he’s a professional Slouch.
Dr_Fogg about 10 years ago
see Wumo
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
While this is real and reflects some universal sentiments, the “slouchy” kid is typically rather aggravating. I actually think today’s panel using his character is perhaps the best one I have seen. He is far less aggravating than usual. If I were Sunny, I would ignore him.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
Nah, time is constantly changing its rate of progression but we have no means of measuring the change since all our measuring is imbedded
DKHenderson 12 months ago
He reminds me of Lucy van Pelt, who counted the months, then the weeks, then the days, then the seconds…“And now it’s all OVER!”