The Knight Life by Keith Knight for December 15, 2014
Teacher: Students!! while he's on administrative leave, officer happy will be your substitute teacher!! Feel free to ask him anything over the next week or so!! STAY IN SCHOOL!! As a young, black male how come Im 21 times more likely to get shot by your or your peers than a white kid? COP: cuz of questions like that!!
Randy B Premium Member about 10 years ago
Do not question The System, or your treatment will be even worse.
PoodleGroomer about 10 years ago
Barney Fife only had one bullet. New guns carry 21.
Miny Boy about 10 years ago
Good answer.
dogday Premium Member about 10 years ago
Oh e-NOUGH already! There is so much contradictory “information” going around, such a lack of responsibility taken, such an overabundance of victimhood and entitlement and such a constant barrage of media inflammation of the situation with no helpful clarifying of all the “information” that it’s sickening. Yes, black lives DO matter. I find it hard to climb on the “cops are our worst enemy” bandwagon, however, when 1. there are far more young black men killed by same than by cops of any color; and 2. when I see that the protesters rely, whether they realize it or not, on the albeit imperfect keeping of peace by those officers so that they CAN march without being massacred by those who disagree with them.
maxdabeest about 10 years ago
With all of these shootings around, i’m not surprised.