Frank and Ernest by Thaves for January 18, 2015
Court Room 5 Frank: The judge imposed sentences today and he went easy in the first couple of cases -- the lampstore robber was given a light sentence... Frank: ...and the judge said the guy who packed up and skipped out on his rent was only guilty of a simple "moving" violation. Frank: On the other hand, the defendant convicted of illegal downloading had the e-book thrown at him. Ernest: Was the judge also tough on the politician who embezzled from the statehouse building fund? Frank: Yeah, he takes "capitol" crimes very seriously!
TREEINTHEWIND almost 10 years ago
The court reporter adds a little, light humor to his story on capitol crime, keeping the judge in the limelight for the run-of-the-mill crimes sentenances…………..
Perkycat almost 10 years ago
Very funny! I love these!
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
He sent the overweight jogger who insisted on wearing Speedos away for a stretch.
BTO almost 10 years ago
Back in the 1990s, a former actor from Hogan’s Heroes was put in the Klink.
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
What about the guy who tried to pay for a $20 haircut with a $10 bill?.He was caught shaving the price…