I’ve decided that the reason some Americans dislike the French is because the French are too much like Americans: they think their country is the best in the world, their language is the best language and their culture is the best way to live. Understanding that, I find the French great people.
Rondec: Plus this country wouldn’t exist without Lafayette, De Grasse, and a few other foreigners. Pershing’s arrival speech hardly balanced the books (and 1944 had nothing to do with liberating France as much as controlling Europe). Some people try to repay their debts, others attack their creditors.
cabalonrye about 10 years ago
I’m French. And proud of it. And a good cook, though I would never dream of being called Chef by my hubby. Mistress, maybe…. :)
katzenbooks45 about 10 years ago
Hope he’s not going all Gordon Ramsay on her…
Varnes about 10 years ago
krcaddis, isn’t fish poisone or something like that?
Olddog1 about 10 years ago
Is this role playing going to lead anywhere special?
Varnes about 10 years ago
poisson = fish….
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
ain’t she sweet about humoring him?
ScullyUFO about 10 years ago
Shouldn’t panel 1 be “Est l’ail haché prêt?” ?
FosterGrant about 10 years ago
Faux Francais.
AMarsh1 about 10 years ago
@olddog1 definitely some role playing. Thank you for staying on topic.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
I hope he doesn’t go all Lenny Henry on her.
DDrazen about 10 years ago
Guys; teach ‘em to boil water and they think they’re Emeril.
pnorman1 about 10 years ago
I saw what you did there!
hippogriff about 10 years ago
Strod: They act just the same to French and they speak the same language.
ron about 10 years ago
I’ve decided that the reason some Americans dislike the French is because the French are too much like Americans: they think their country is the best in the world, their language is the best language and their culture is the best way to live. Understanding that, I find the French great people.
ARLOS DAD about 10 years ago
Arlo should try Lutefisk…
racerxyz about 10 years ago
@DavidHuieGreenRio? Why Rio? I’ve heard it’s pretty darn rough there.
1776july about 10 years ago
RIP Charlie..Let Freedom Ring..
hippogriff about 10 years ago
Rondec: Plus this country wouldn’t exist without Lafayette, De Grasse, and a few other foreigners. Pershing’s arrival speech hardly balanced the books (and 1944 had nothing to do with liberating France as much as controlling Europe). Some people try to repay their debts, others attack their creditors.
AliCom about 10 years ago
Chopped garlic. They better both be eatting this dish or one of them will be on the couch tonight.