I worked night stock in a large grocery chain and got off at 7:30 am. The store opened at 7 am so while facing items on the shelves you could almost tell what people were doing before cominmg in. The WORST was smokers and the stink almost made me choke. I had stopped smoking in 1975 and this was after 1989.
Ray Rappisi Jr Premium Member over 2 years ago
Ha! Hilarious strip!
Sneaker over 2 years ago
I worked night stock in a large grocery chain and got off at 7:30 am. The store opened at 7 am so while facing items on the shelves you could almost tell what people were doing before cominmg in. The WORST was smokers and the stink almost made me choke. I had stopped smoking in 1975 and this was after 1989.