Dark Side of the Horse by Samson for March 13, 2015
March 12, 2015
March 14, 2015
Hi, everyone! welcome to my lectured entitled:
"how to be as concise as possible by using only a few well - choses words to express and/or...
..state an idea while simultaneously cutting out useless information part one"
ChazNCenTex almost 10 years ago
Oh, it’s a comedy.
Khatkhattu Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I need to hear this talk-I can take a two sentence comment and turn it into a 2 paragraph reply with ease.
Hugh B. Hayve almost 10 years ago
You lost me at “Hi,….”
Stephen Gilberg almost 10 years ago
True story: I checked out a book titled “How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less.” It took much longer than 30 seconds to read.
flyingflowerpot almost 10 years ago
Turn off his microphone!
Sherlock Watson almost 10 years ago
This must be where they get the ideas for PBS program titles, many of which seem to be three whole sentences each.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
Horace’s speech here is an exciting new cure for insomnia…
DavidHurley Premium Member almost 10 years ago
This will get interesting.
jerrythemacguy almost 10 years ago
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”William Shakespeare, “Hamlet”