If she were a crook, she would have kept control of the server so she could delete emails where she solicited bribes from the foreign entities she met on a daily basis. Nixon was unsuccessful in his effort to use the IRS to target political enemies. Obama was successful in the same corrupt effort. Ms. Clinton has surpassed them both.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
More Benghazi?
wellis1947 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Actually, they exist where ALL e-mails of that type exist – in the tiny little minds of her opponents!
jbmlaw01 almost 10 years ago
If she were a crook, she would have kept control of the server so she could delete emails where she solicited bribes from the foreign entities she met on a daily basis. Nixon was unsuccessful in his effort to use the IRS to target political enemies. Obama was successful in the same corrupt effort. Ms. Clinton has surpassed them both.